WHITE COLLAR! RACHEL MADDOW DOLL! Also, school ramblings

Jul 13, 2010 23:55

Two awesome things today:

1. WHITE COLLAR IS BACK. I watched the first 10 min streaming live online at 6 (9 EST) because I couldn't wait, then reluctantly went off to make dinner. 'Acquired' the ep later in the evening, and just finished watching it. I almost forgot how awesome this show is! I love Neal and Peter, and El, and Mozzie was freaking awesome as always...

Is it bad that I'm glad that Kate really is dead? Heh. I know there was a lot of spec that maybe she'd escaped. Anyway, I love the Peter-Neal dynamic - I forgot how much fun they are to watch! I love Peter telling El that he wonders if Neal had been about to say he wanted to stay before the plane exploded, and hoping he would. And then Neal telling him that he was going to say that! Oh happiness. And I can't express enough how perfect the Peter-Mozzie scenes were - clandestine park bench meetings! The voice changer! "I'm doing the newspaper thing, not the stupid bird thing" ! Just the fact that they are having clandestine meetings to discuss how Neal is holding up! Awww, you guys both care about him so much, it's so sweet. <3

And and.. oh man, there was so much. Neal breaking into the bank so easily at the start to test their security. Neal and Peter breaking into the bank at the end to stop the robbers! Fake bickering in front of a woman holding a gun to their heads to distract her! And then turning to her at the same time and snapping "just a minute!" Peter 'writing a novel'! Neal's HAT returning at the end of the ep, yay! And the fantastic shot of him putting it on at the end, with the low angle shot and the sun glare behind him... Neal conning the assistant woman at the coffee shop then freaking her out by showing her his ankle bracelet, lol! Oh, and the new ankle braclet! Which is black and doesn't chafe as much!

...okay, so I'm not that coherent right now. I almost forgot how much fun this show is, and I'm hyped to have it back. Not sure what to make of the ending, but I think that Diana's really good, and possibly planning with Peter to protect the music box and bring down Fowler. Or something. I really hope she's not bad, anyway, because I'm happy to see her back on the show.

2. Awesome thing number 2, which would have been number one except that I just finished watching White Collar and am still riding the high... My Rachel Maddow doll made by anais_rhys finally arrived! It was funny - I knew I had one package waiting for me, which I'd been expecting. I was away for a couple of days last week, and when I came back there were 2 post office notices in my mailbox, from separate days. I just assumed they were repeat notices for the same package; I had NO idea there would be something else. I was really surprised (and excited!) when the guy at the post office brought out 2 packages, and also completely baffled because I didn't recognize the name and I don't know anyone from that state. Then saw the item description 'soft doll' on the shipping label, realized what it must be, and freaked out a bit. :)

Anyway, THANK YOU, anais_rhys! And no worries bout the wait, hey, least she made it here in the end! And it made an awesome July Christmas present! :) Totally came out of nowhere, since I confess I wasn't really expecting her anymore... so hey, yay for awesome surprises! Oh, and the card is adorable! I'd like to scan the drawing in and post it here, if that's okay with you - I'm going to take some pictures of her later, with Keith and the gang. She's quite a bit bigger than them, so it's pretty hilarious - she towers over them all. XD XD

Ookay, bed now... gotta try to get to sleep after the excitement of watching White Collar, heh. School tomorrow... we had our quiz on airport codes for major Canadian airports today, which I finished in about one minute and handed in (what can I say, I made flash cards last night... and they were really only for the capitals + a couple of major cities, so there were only like 15 to memorize). And yay for nice instructors, because she noticed that I, along with two other fast-finishing students, had not even bothered to read the question and had just filled in the airport codes without realizing we also had to write in the province/territory. Which, eyeroll, because all three of us are either born in Canada or have been here a long time, and really... I think I know which city is in which province. -_- (I understand why they do it, of course, because we have a lot of students who have come from other countries, but it's still amusingly eyeroll-worthy for me. Other than my Calgary-Edmonton brain fart yesterday.) Scribbled in the 2-letter codes for each province in a few secs, trying not to obviously roll my eyes, and hoping that she didn't actually expect us to write out the full name of each. ^^ (she said after that was fine, so good). Heh. Anyway. Better not have fucked up after that, lol, by going too fast... but hey, least I now know the major airport codes for Canada! Plus a few in the US, because I was on a flashcard-making streak last night.

...okay, so I actually kind of enjoy memorizing codes. I'm sick. We also learned the phonetic alphabetic today, which is both useful and rather fun. On the way home I was translating signs and such for practice and am pretty fast now. No more vainly searching for an appropriate word when trying to spell something out on the phone!

And oh shit, just remembered, TV meme! Too tired... will catch up tomorrow.

white collar, pundits, school

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