Vancon 2010, here I come! :)

Jun 10, 2010 20:49

Just bought my tickets for Supernatural Vancon! Exciting. :) Bought a general weekend pass, because I did the preferred seating thing last year and it was, like, 2 rows ahead of the general seating. Not worth the extra money. And I want to go Friday this year as well, because Richard Speight Jr. is appearing that day and I'll be interested to hear what he has to say about his character's arc this year (plus, he was a lot of fun to listen to last year - cool guy). Also splurged and bought a photo op with Misha, because what the hell, eh? I regretted getting the autograph instead of the photo last year (only $20 cheaper, and the 4-hour wait was ridiculous), and this way I get the added bonus of Misha's arm around me. ;) Also met up with a woman from the BC Browncoats this evening, and she's hoping to go on Saturday to see Misha, so I'll have someone to hang with. Yay! It's a bit lonely, otherwise, when you're shy like me and have trouble randomly going up to strangers and saying hi...


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