Dreamwidth invite code, updates, some amusement

Jul 14, 2009 23:09

Got one Dreamwidth invite code... anyone want it?

The past few days, in note form:

- Sunday - left last WWOOF host to go back to relatives' place. Lost camera, was 99% certain that I had left it at host's house, called them, they searched and claimed they couldn't find it. Cue minor freaking out, because that's a new camera and it's pretty and pink and I love it. :( Spent Sunday doing very little. Went to beach for awhile. Came home and watched final episode of Torchwood: Children of Earth. Am almost coherent enough now to post thoughts on it, may or may not do so later. Spent rest of the day puttering around online, reading Torchwood fic, and downloading some more songs by John Barrowman (downloaded a CD him, and I love the man and his voice and all but... they are all covers of cheesy love songs, including "All By Myself", and I can't help but crack up a little when I listen to it. But I still quite like it and enjoy imagining that it's actually Jack, preferably singing to Ianto... or maybe the Doctor, I suppose).

- Monday - we were driven to Brisbane by our relative's husband early in the morning. Arrived before rainbowpegacorn had to leave for school, got settled in and went out for breakfast. Then had to leave and wander around the city from 10 until 4:30 or so because she had to go to school and we can't get a key. ^^ We were pretty exhausted since we woke up at 5:30am, so at 11:30 or so we decided to go see a movie (excuse to sit down, really) and we went to see Bruno. Which was pretty awesome and hilarious, though perhaps not as much so as Borat. The talking penis was rather traumatizing. ;) After the movie we wandered around for a few hours then met up with rainbowpegacorn. Came home where she very kindly made us dinner. :) Discovered that she is a fan of Masterchef Australia which was a very welcome discovery since it saved me having to shamefully ask if we could watch it (I don't normally watch reality shows, but I'm totally hooked... and we keep missing eps while staying with WWOOF hosts. *sigh* So I'm very excited to be here able to watch it every night with her, given that it's the final week! Only 4 contestants left, ooh the drama. ;) Gonna miss it tomorrow for Harry Potter, though... oh well, suppose I'll live.

- today - ummm. very little. Slept in until 10. Hung around doing nothing for a few hours. Got a call from last WWOOF host saying they'd found camera, which made my day. :) Am going back down there in 2 weeks to visit relatives again, when Mom comes, so will pick it up then. Spent rest of the day out with rainbowpegacorn, taking her car in to be fixed, then picking up groceries. Came home, made dinner, watched Masterchef (and the contestant with the same name, same age, and same mother's name as me (seriously, it's a bit creepy!) was sent home. Damn. Oh well, I like some of the others better anyway, and she wasn't around for most of the competition since she was fast-laned to the finals early on). Then watched Twilight, god help me, since Kat hasn't seen it yet... only other time I saw it was in a cam-recorded version that I transferred to my TiVo and watched on my red-tinted TV, so it... didn't look very good. Proper version improved the visuals somewhat, but mostly just underscored how terrible the art direction is since now I couldn't blame it on the bad quality. Anyway, we passed an entertaining 2 hours laughing and it and mocking it mercilessly. :) Good god, Edward Cullen is creepy... and the makeup/lighting makes the normally very handsome Robert Pattinson just look... creepy and washed out (and I know, vampire and all, but they ALL looked too white and washed out! except with him, you could sometimes see that they had just put white make-up on his face, because his neck and even ears were pinker. Yikes.).

Speaking of Twilight, check this out - YouTube - Buffy vs Edward: Twilight Remixed -- [original version] It's both funny and remarkably thought-provoking, esp once you read his explanation of what he was trying to do. Because it really underscores the inherent creepiness of Edward and the so-called love plot. And how much better Buffy did the human-vampire love plot. And how much better written Buffy is, by god. o.o

Other completely unrelated amusement:

Anderson Cooper trying to make sense of Sarah Palin's spokeswoman's explanation re: Palin's resignation, from a week or so ago (not long after her initial announcement). He looks utterly bamboozled, the poor man. The basketball metaphor, seriously... *shakes head*

Okay, bed now. Relative's husband is going to drive us around Brisbane and take us to the modern art gallery tomorrow, should be fun. I hope. And then: HARRY POTTER. WOO HOO. ^___^ Very excited, not least becaues the reviews so far have been excellent. Hope it's as good as they say... and an improvement on OotP, I hope.

australia, pundits, dreamwidth

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