More Stephen in Iraq, and a Heroes casting spoiler

Jun 08, 2009 08:42

Siitting in Melbourne airport right now waiting for my flight to Sydney... yay! Checking my email/LJ and came across this -

OMG Stephen. o.o He got a buzz cut! It actually doesn't look too bad, really... I'm so excited for tomorrow's ep, might even just watch it on the website right away or download a full version of it, because I don't want to wait until next week... unless my host tomorrow night has the comedy channel and lets me watch it at 7, when TCR airs here. ;) Anyway, still worried about him over there, but am also looking forward to this week's shows. I think it's great that he's doing this. :)

Oh, and in other non-pundit related fandom news... an exciting Heroes casting spoiler for next season (and I haven't even finished s3, heh... but this doesn't spoil anything except the new cast member, and I'm v. excited about it).;title;2&om_act=convert&om_clk=news

Kind of wish he was playing a different sort of role from his last one, but otoh he does do creepy villain well. :)

Anyway, plane will be boarding soon, so that's it from me right now. Going to be in Sydney in about 2 hours, woo hoo!

pundits, heroes

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