FFXIV, political amusement, and a change of scenary...

Jun 04, 2009 23:49

First screenshots of the newly-announced Final Fantasy XIV released...

FF14... wow, where did time go? ^^ I remember about ten years ago joking about how one day we would get FF14 or FF15, but unable to really imagine it... now it's just an inevitability. Sadly it's going to be online like FFXI, though I'm not sure if it's solely online. Probably. And of course it'll be on a system I'll probably never own, just like FFXIII... at this point, which the amount of video gaming I do, I can't imagine owning a PS3 or an XBOX 360 for years if ever... that makes me sad. :( Though I have beenm reliving Chrono Trigger on my computer, so who knows, maybe my gaming days will make a comeback. :)

I just can't believe how beautiful the graphics are - I know I've never really cared about graphics and I don't think they make a game, but... wow. ^^ I remember being SO impressed by the graphics of FFVII and VIII - watching the FFVIII opening for the first time when I bought the game I was blown away. I was blown away again by FFX, and even that seems dated now compared to what they can do now.

Course, meanwhile I'm playing a 14-years-old game and enjoying it perfectly well even with dated graphics, so there. ;) But yeah, thinking back to those days, I wouldn't have believed these graphics... Even if I wasn't into RPGs until FFVII and the Playstation era, I did play other games back in the Genesis/SNES days... we did fine with pixels back then, dammit. ;)

Anyway... on another note, guess where I am right now? Melbourne. -_- Yeaaah, er, so. Things didn't work out so well at our second host, which we arrived at on Monday. We were really excited about it, since this was the art studio one, but... I dunno, it wasn't a good fit, the guy was kind of a jerk and he had this creepy ceramics apprentice who kept staring at us, and the work was really difficult (the entire place including the garden was built on this very very steep hill... killer trying to work on it and push a wheelbarrow up it!), and his instructions were vague and he was quite unapproachable we felt, and today we made an admittedly stupid mistake and he yelled at us and told us we were no good at this and to pack our bags. :( Then we did the correct job (which was fucking killer, transporting this really heavy firewood down a hill...) pretty quickly and he vaguely said sorry and said we could stay, but we really just desperately wanted to leave after that. So we caught the train to Melbourne at about 4 and are in a hostel now. Same hostel we stayed in before, and here's the kicker - they put us in the same room I was in my first week. WTF creepy, what are the chances?? And my old bed was free, but I just couldn't do that - told my cousin she could have that one while I took a different one. And I'm pretty sure a guy that was there when I was staying here 2 monthes ago was still here today (I recognized the sticker on his laptop, which was sitting on his bed), but when we got back from dinner all his stuff was gone so I guess he checked out. Thank god. o.o That would have just been... weird. Plus he was quite creepy as I recall.

So yeah, we're not sure what next - finding another WWOOFing place, I guess, up near Sydney - but god, I just dont' feel like it... I just want to stay in the city for awhile or go to Sydney itself and hang out or something, but WWOOFing saves a lot of money and so long as we can find a nice family... we did really enjoy our first host, so hopefully we'll find someone else who's a better fit and who's willing to take us at very short notice (like... Monday).

(and on a completely separate note - I watched part of the Brian Williams "Inside the Obama White House" special on the train and OMG awesome. XD I am SUCH a dork, but it was really interesting and cool! You get to see the behind the scenes parts of the West Wing and Obama and all the staff just going about their business as regular people in an office, yet also running the country. ^^ And eating lots of M&Ms. And Bo being ridiculously cute. AND AND, they actually compared it to The West Wing at the start! And showed some clips from the show! I almost died, lol. I love that NBC recognizes how much this administration is like TWW come to life... course, it was an NBC show... Anyway, going to watch the rest tomorrow. Can't wait for some of the Rahm bits I'm hearing about!)

australia, video games, politics

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