
Apr 29, 2009 18:26

Still trailing by 19 votes... we're both progressing at about the same rate, so I probably won't win. ^^ Oh well, the other person's header is pretty awesome, so I can't really begrudge them. :) Just thought how cool it would be to have my art in a community header. Maybe next time ( Read more... )

australia, pundits

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ria_oaks April 29 2009, 22:41:14 UTC
Yeah, I liked algebra and trig well enough.. until I hit grade 10, and then it was all downhill from there. ^^ In part because of teachers, really. Case in point - I hated math in grade 8 (I had taken Math 8 in gr7 so I was in this special "Math 89" course) because a. it turned out to be rather too advanced for me, and b. my teacher was a dick. But gr9 Math was fun - great teacher, and easy material, esp after gr8. ^^ But yeah, my 10/11 teacher was... bleh, never liked her. And in gr12 I had the guy from gr8 again and he was still a dick. And it was hard, fuck, I hated math 12, not sure why I took it. o.o

...and I'm not really sure why I went on that tangent. oh well.

Lol so true. Actually, I was just watching an ep of The Daily Show from a couple of weeks ago, just before the swine flu hit the airwaves, and he had an author on who had written a book called 'Dread' about how our fear tends to over-emphasize (and contributes to) how much of a threat these sorts of pandemics actually are. or something like that. Anyway, it was rather interesting, and too bad he wasn't on a week later! oh well. But yeah, the media tends to freak everyone out (about everything, really) because of the constant reporting of new cases, death tolls, "there's no vaccine! no one knows what it is! OMG!", etc. ;)


quettalinde May 1 2009, 19:36:49 UTC
I was fine up until gr12, and even pretty decent there except for the horrible, evil stats unit. ^^; I lucked out and got good teachers, and of course, Mom's a math teacher too, which helped. (However, I do NOT want to talk about English teachers, nosir. Or worse, socials…)

Heh, The Daily Show predicts things now? XD Too bad indeed, though. He needs more press right now. I've seen some stats recently about the Spanish Flu of 1919, and that 1) was much worse than Swine Flu, obviously, and 2) had a huge survival rate and most people didn't even get infected. So hah. I predict we'll have forgotten all about the pigs by this time next year.


ria_oaks May 1 2009, 23:58:36 UTC
Yeah, teachers really make a huge difference... like my English 11 teacher who did her damndest to make me hate studying Macbeth (well not really, I just didn't like her or the course and it was pretty boring and annoying the way we studied it. I do however remember drawing a picture of her as one of the witches...). -_- (fortunately I had a fantastic teacher in 3rd year for my full-year Shakespeare course, and we did Macbeth and it was utterly magical. Loved that woman, brilliant prof. Kate Sirluck - you ever have her?). Anyway yeah, bad English teachers... they are rampant. ^^; I had some good and some bad in HS; my Lit 12 teacher was fantastic, but my Eng12 teacher was... the most boring man in existance. he was obsessed with grammar and got very very excited over it. Somehow that enthusiasm did... not reach the students. ;)

Which is all a roundabout way of agreeing and saying that a teacher can absolutely make or break a subject. I wish I'd had better math teachers in the later years, because I did quite enjoy it initially but gr10-12 I started disliking it...

Heh, yeah, it was pretty ironic timing - but hey, Jon's not the only one, Stephen's correctly guessed all of the major Oscar winners both this year and 2006 (I still can't believe he actually got Crash right, even if he was just joking and trying to avoid having BBM win). I have him to thank for my winning that contest because I chose Penelope Cruz based on his guess, myself having no fucking clue otherwise. ^^

But anyway, yeah... I agree, or at least I hope I do, that this whole swine flu will blow over and won't be that big of a deal in the end... though I believe over 300 people have died in Mexico now and they've basically shut down the country. o.o And some people have died in the US now (and maybe Canada? not sure). But god knows the media works everyone up into a frenzy about it... I think this is why dad is so paranoid in general about the world, lol, too much news. (did I ever tell you (okay probably did, but just in case) about the time a tree fell on our house in the middle of the house, waking us up with the huge crash, and Dad exclaimed "is it a terrorist attack??" LOL. Okay he was mostly joking, but honest to god he's the only one that'd think of that...).


quettalinde May 3 2009, 20:45:26 UTC
My English teachers were all about getting the idiots to pass. Only two of five ever really tried to encourage me while I was in their class, and one other tried encouragement three years later… There were a lot of grammar exercises (When you start a new sentence, Mr. Graduating, you need a capital letter) and a lot of simple comprehension questions (When Bob said the water looked like silver, what did he mean? Find two other similes in this chapter.) and a number of easy essay topics. Nothing challenging, and they didn't really even try to make it fun. lol Grammar can totally be exciting, but only when it's couched in historical context and wank. 18th century lit-snobs fighting over prepositional verbs can be pretty amusing. They really knew how to insult each other back then.

Socials was, well, Socials. Lots of dead white guys, lots of heavy-handed "we were all a bunch of racists and now we owe it to everyone to be multicultural and accepting or you're a bad Canadian, damnit!", lots of fiddly little projects that didn't teach the big picture or, y'know, encourage or engage… Maybe I'm just whining because I was intellectually beyond all that by the time I got there. I dunno.

I think people have died here, yes, but I'm not sure if they were immuno-compromised people or healthy people. I'd expect people with autoimmune disorders, and the elderly, to succumb more easily than someone who runs everyday and has a decent diet, and blowing up over the former is reasonably stupid.

lol No, I don't think you told me that. Heh. Did I tell you about the girls in my high school on 9/11 who were worried that someone was going to fly a plane into Williams Lake? O_o


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