Punditdolls, at last!

Apr 25, 2009 21:29

Okay, I finished these ages ago and started this post like a month ago, but now I'm going to get off my ass and post it. :) I thought I'd posted or at least started posting about them but couldn't find anything, but I checked my saved Semagic files and sure enough there's a half-finished punditdoll post... ehehe. Anyway, fakenews_fanfic's Open Thread this weekend is a big free-for-all so I thought I'd post them there, and finish this post as well. And then post them to RBR (and speaking of, still no word on the header contest... ;_;).

Anyway, behold the pundit!dolls. :) They're much smaller than my normal ones (there's a couple of pictures in there of me holding them for comparison's sake); I liked the idea of making 4 quick little dolls rather than big ones (which are more of a production and are less portable. And somehow making small ones feels like less of a 'big deal' and therefore less totally insane. Course, it still took forever... and making them small was actually harder. *sigh* Oh well, they're cute and I love them. ^^)

So, the original idea behind them was to make them as simple as possible - black pants and white shirt for each, and then I'd draw something character-appropriate on their shirts, and put their last names on the back. Stephen and Keith were easy - for Stephen I went as over-the-top American as possible. Originally intended to just draw the American flag on his shirt, but ended up getting a bit carried away as you'll see. ^^ And Keith I knew it had to be baseball related, hence the Yankees jersey (also tied into the 'last name on the back of their shirt' thing). With Anderson I originally wanted to draw a cartoon fox, but.. yeah, that didn't work out. So I went with the tie, which I think is pretty cute. Jon was the hardest and his shirt stayed blank for several weeks as I finished the others (made him first). Thought about the logo of TDS, but since that's really just the name of the show it's kinda dull. Anyway, in the end I went with the Obama logo so it wouldn't be completely blank and because I got tired of trying to think of something better.


Keithdoll closeup

Back of Keithdoll


Closeup of Anderdoll

Back of Anderdoll

And this one's just cute... heee.

Stephendoll - note the wonky ear. :) I mean yes, most of the ears are kinda wonky anyway because I can't sew very well, but I did purposely make his right ear especially wonky.

Close-up of Stephendoll

Back of Stephendoll


Close-up of Jondoll

Back of Jondoll

Jondoll and Stephendoll cuddling (this is before I figured out what to draw on Jon's shirt... eventually decided on the Obama logo for lack of any better ideas)

Anderdoll and Keithdoll cuddling (lol Keith looks annoyed... course, that's how I drew his face... but I like how happy and dorky Andy looks and how Keith is glaring at him. Andy's all "I'm going to sit on your lap! Let's cuddle!" and Keith's all "wtf Anderson, get off')

More cuddling

And some more. Silly boys.

Me holding Jondoll, to give a sense of his size... he's the smallest too, lol. Keith is the biggest, which is appropriate I suppose, except I accidentally made him a bit too big. ^^ Oh well.

And for amusement's sakes... the 4 boys in my luggage ready to head to Australia. I totally got caught out by my mom when she was helping me pack, but she mostly seemed amused (she actually arranged them and took this picture, so... guess it's good that weird though she thinks I am, she's more amused than anything by my new pundit obsession. Course, if she knew about the porn... oh well.

And speaking of porn: a link to Anderdoll and Keithdoll doing Naughty Things. Didn't want to post it directly here to keep this post worksafe, but enjoy!

Keithdoll & Anderdoll doing Naughty Things - NSFW, I suppose

dolls, pundits

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