LJ continues to fuck us around. Also, musings on B5 communities

Mar 13, 2008 15:11

So evidently Livejournal if getting rid of Basic accounts (for new accounts, that is). Anyone opening accounts from now have to get an ad-based or paid account. Stupid bloody Livejournal... yet another piece of asshattery on their part. *eyeroll* At least they're not forcing us to upgrade... as much as I'd like a paid account, or at least more icons, I don't want to pay or have ads on my journal.

Anyway, on a different note - I'm thinking of starting up a Babylon 5 slash community. Because to my shock and horror, there isn't one. :) There's a B5 femslash comm, which is awesome and all, but it's pretty quiet these days and it doesn't include m/m slash. I'd like to start up a general slash LJ archive/comm for any B5 slash pairing, since it's VERY hard to find B5 slash (esp good B5 slash) on the internet, at least in my experience. I'm not sure if anyone will actually post to it, but.. I can try. ^^; Pimp it on the main B5 comms (all... one of them. -_-) and hope it grows. I'm not that into B5 fic, but otoh I haven't found much that looks good. And it feels like a crime to fandom that there isn't a comm for it. XD

babylon 5, fandom

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