Yuletart! *bounce*

Jan 07, 2008 19:17

Eeee!!! Check out what I received as my yuletart present! Dean and Sam as Cap'n Jack Sparrow and Commodore James Norrington! *squee* It's gorgeous and awesome and hot damn someone needs to write a fic like that. Whoever you are, mystery artist, thank you very much! (check out the likenesses, ya'll - amazing, aren't they?)


Anyays, I'm sitting here in North Van freezIng my ass off. We got down to North Van this afternoon to find that out that our furnace isn't working. *sigh* Hence, very cold. Mom and I took off to Metrotown for the afternoon to stay warm (and see Enchanted, which incidentally is very good), but now we're home and cold again. I'm sitting here in my coat and scarf and gloves. o.o The furnace people are supposed to be on their way, but who knows when they'll arrive? We may have to go up to Bowen again if they don't come, in which case I'll stay overnight at Grandma's place in West Van so I can get out to UBC tomorrow more easily.

Also, electronics are weird. I was in the car today waiting for the ferry and nothing on my portable harddrive would play properly. I freaked out, because I have 5 gigs worth of music videos on there that I really don't want to lose. Then I get home, and it's working fine. -_- And quettalinde, evidently that DW ep kept crashing because it was originally a corrupted file. -__- Sorry for all the stress in the car today. ^^ I get a bit.. overwrought when it comes to computers. But it's all fine now, though I'm going to back up my music videos and may buy a new harddrive because this one clearly has... issues. Or maybe that's just my computer. -_-

Oh, oh, and check it out! Screencaps from Torchwood s2 with a certain guest star doing a certain something that I was REALLY hoping would happen. I am excited, oh yes. :) (spoilers, obviously, though I think everyone knows about this guest star now and probably suspected this would happen)


My fingers are gonna fall off. ;_; But it's hard to type with gloves on..

pirates of the caribbean, torchwood, yuletart, supernatural

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