
Nov 19, 2007 22:12


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quettalinde November 20 2007, 07:14:33 UTC
No, not happy about Matt. Doesn't he see he's becoming his father?

Is it a bad thing that I called the Adam thing when I've only seen about 1/3 of the s2 eps and none of s1? O_o

Nice Freudian slip, btw. "suck to love him"? *laughs* Yes, that too.


ria_oaks November 20 2007, 07:18:00 UTC
I know. ;_; Oh Matt... and oh Mohinder... someone over on heroes_tv commented that Molly needs to sit down with her two daddies and have a talk and it so true. XD Oh boys, stop being silly and semi-evil..

Anyways, I like Mom's spec that Mohinder shot Noah knowing that he could bring him back. I want to believe that's true, because oh. ;_; Please let it all have been a set up and that Mohinder's not that fucking stupid.

Lol, yeah, it was pretty obvious.

Whoops! Lol. Will go back and edit. XD XD


quettalinde November 20 2007, 17:50:51 UTC
Yes, they definitely need to be Talked to, don't they?

I'm not sure I know enough about the politics behind the Company and Mohinder to know exactly how stupid the guy's being, but yes, I still hope he knew they'd bring him back. And I wonder who else knew he'd come back, because there could be a few surprises in store…


ria_oaks November 25 2007, 06:10:34 UTC
I wanna smack em both, but I still love them. ;) Even read a few fics bout them, out of curiousity.. they have such a cute setup in the show, lol.

Pretty stupid. :) He oughta know perfectly well what the Company is capable of, but he still got suckered in... I dunno, I'm still hoping for a double double cross. planning to revive him himself. *hopes*

On another topic.. I'm down in N Van tomorrow and Monday, and was wondering if you wanted to meet up? It'd be fun to see each other again and reconnect. :) Where are you living these days? Or if you prefer, email me at jksimpson [at] gmail [dot] com to let me know. My plans are kinda up in the air; might be going downtown Monday to briefly meet an old friend, but not sure. So if you're interested... for lunch or whatever, or maybe some shopping since I'm thinking of picking up some clothes for my cruise.


quettalinde November 25 2007, 06:56:15 UTC
Double double cross would be nice, but I don't know if they'll fit it in now that it's advertised that there are only two episodes left.

I would definitely love to meet up! I was going to comment on your last entry but couldn't find the link… Monday's probably best since I'm got plans for tomorrow. I'm living just off Kits Beach these days, only five or so minutes from downtown. Just give me the when and where, and I'll be there, barring sudden spontaneous employment. (Lunch sounds fun…)


ria_oaks November 25 2007, 07:08:01 UTC
2 eps left... cry. ;_; *reminds self that she still thoroughly supports the writers* *must stay strong*

Cool. I'll let you know tomorrow, once I've talked to my friend. I'm juggling separate potential plans with 3, maybe 4, friends right now, lol, so it's kinda crazy. But yeah, lunch downtown would be great. Then I can go meet my friend (Sears @ Pacific Centre) after. Am waiting to hear when her lunch break is; if I don't, I'll just drop by randomly to say hi. I'll email you (the email on your profile, I assume?) my cell phone #, just so you have it.


quettalinde November 25 2007, 07:12:13 UTC
Okay, awesome! Can't wait! And yes, the email on my profile works just fine. (I'm totally game for hanging out with other friends of yours, if that's the only way. I need to have more friends offline anyway.)


ria_oaks November 25 2007, 07:15:34 UTC
Well, as I said I want to pop in and meet one friend at Sears @ Pacific Centre; haven't seen her in years, though we're in infrequent contact on LJ. And the other friend maay be coming, but probably not. I think we're doing something either tomorrow or early Monday. So it may overlap. No idea. -_- You might have actually met her in 2nd year, I'm not sure.. she must've visited my dorms a few times. Name's Jane, though I doubt you remember. ;) Anyway though, we'll almost def have a chance to hang out just the two of us for awhile at least. Will let you know when it's all finalized. :) (sent you that email, btw).


quettalinde November 25 2007, 07:33:50 UTC
I think I may have met Jane once. I think I recall someone who wasn't you in your room at one point. :) Will have my cell on, so ring me whenever.


ria_oaks November 25 2007, 07:45:49 UTC
Lol, you probably did; least you met a couple of my friends at various points. Hard to remember now, of course.


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