Lots of drawings...

Aug 19, 2007 22:24

Aaand, the big art dump... lots of different fandoms. Take a look, see if any interest you. :)

Jossverse shows

1. Chibi!Buffy - couple of years old, I think... but I like it.

2. Chibi!Angel - ditto. And I like it, other than his hair. o.o

3. Mal - drawn post-Serenity, I believe.

4. River - ditto. Or possibly right before, can't remember.

5. Wash - definitely post-Serenity. At Christmas, I believe - used a picture from the visual companion which I got for X-mas. Was on a big Wash kick for awhile there...

Doctor Who

1. Chibi!Tenth Doctor

2. Chibi!Rose

3. Various doodles of Rose and Ten. And the TARDIS.

4. Nine - just a small doodle, really. Did it in class, I think, with my laptop set up next to me for the ref picture. XD

Oz/SVU/Chris and Lee in general

1. Chibi!Chris - the pencil crayon barely shows up in this... might rescan when I feel like it. [edit - haha, I totally just noticed that I didn't even upload the coloured version... so, here it is, light though it is.]

2. Chibi!Ryan - ditto. Urgh.

3. Chibi!Toby - uncoloured, fortunately

4. Chris and Lee doodles, various characters (Elliot, Chris, Toby, and Eddie)

5. Chris and Toby drawings

6. Elliot Stabler


1. Chibi!Jack

2. Chibi!Sawyer

3. Jack and Sawyer doodles (plus young Jack and James)

4. Jack

Pirates of the Caribbean

1. Jack-Norrington manip - finished this ages ago when I was on my manipping kick, but never got around to posting it...

2. Jack-Norrington

3. Another Jack-Norrington

4. Yet another Jack-Norrington

5. More Jack-Norrington. Vaguely naughty, but no nudity. PG-13, maybe?

6. Another Jack-Norrington Rated PG for shirtlessness, I guess.

7. Aand, one more Jack-Norrington. NC-17 rated for nudity and naughtiness. :)

Other fandoms

1. Brian Kinney from Queer as Folk - couple of years old; think I drew it when the series ended.

2. Naruto - attempt at a realistic Naruto, post-3-year jump...

3. Gaara from Naruto - another attempt post-3-year jump realism, this time with Gaara. Sometimes I think I should catch up with the manga... read about 25 chapters into the new, post-timejump arc (well, not that new now... it's been 2 years!), then stopped.

4. Alex Mahone from Prison Break - small doodle I did awhile ago.

Whew, done... this post took me 2 days. ^^; That's it for now, at least in the way of big posts. Some small stuff, mostly PB, coming soonish. Working on another Alex/Michael pic on the computer which I like okay other than Michael's face (that boy is HARD to draw, ya'll), and an Alex portrait (pencil) that I'm really quite pleased with so far.

For now, being v. lazy. Sitting here flipping between Chamber of Secrets on CBC and L&O: SVU on CTV. Was watching CoS until 10, then switched over to SVU... which I'll stick with for now thank you very much, since CoS is up to Aragog's lair and ewwwwww. Cannot handle that scene in the movie, it's hard enough in the book. o.o

doctor who, drawings, naruto, firefly, oz, svu, pirates of the caribbean, manips, prison break, queer as folk, jossverse, lost

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