Logic people, LOGIC.

May 21, 2007 22:28

Heroes. What. The. Fuck.

And not in a good way.

Seriously. It was going fine right up until the end, when evidently the writers just decided to throw all reason out of the window and completely forsake logic for the sake of a "grand emotional statement" or something. I just... it was bad writing is all I can think. Really, really bad and inconsistant writing with plot holes I could drive a truck through. And I expected much more from Heroes, which makes me even madder. Just... ONE LINE. All I asked for was ONE LINE to explain how that actually made SENSE. They could have explained it but no, they opted instead for what would have been an emotionally moving scene if it had, you know, made sense. Which is a pity, because it could have been a good and moving scene if it had bothered to address the obvious problems in logic that it decided to ignore instead.

Fuck. *sigh* Am very disappointed. Which is a pity, because it was going quite well until then... I did like the very last scene, though; that was vaguely intriguing and made a semi-decent cliffhanger.

I also have a pounding headache, which really isn't helping my mood. *grumblegrumble* Any news on season 2 casting yet?? I hope a certain someone will be back... le sigh.


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