Last night's TV

Feb 27, 2007 21:07

Great stuff last night. Both Prison Break and Heroes were fantastic; that was easily one of the best Heroes episodes that I've seen so far. Taped The Black Donnellys and watched it earlier today; really enjoyed it. I've been hearing about it on my f-list for ages, so decided to give it a shot. Plus, gotta support my Oz alumni (Kirk Acevedo). :)

Hell of a cliffhanger; I'm glad there's an episode next week and not some kind of 2 month hiatus. XD I suspect that C-Note will be saved just in time, considering that they just killed off a character and are presumably waiting for the last couple of episodes to kill off another. Anyway, I don't care that much if he lives or dies, but I kinda hope he doesn't. The last scene with his wife was really sad, and I want him to survive for her and for his daughter. And I don't want Mahone to have another death on his conscience... and speaking of Alex, can we please get back to the 'going after the conspiracy' storyline they started with him a few episodes back? I'm worried about where they're going with his character, and I hope they do right by him. He's such a fascinating character with a lot of potential, and I don't want them to just keep him as the guy who keeps killing off the main characters... he's more than just a flat-out villain, and that's what makes him so interesting. I hope they return to the storyline of him going after the conspiracy and covertly killing company people, because that was awesome. Then he needs to go after Kim and take the bastard down. :) Otoh, they are doing a great job of showing how conflicted he is over what he's doing; the scenes with C-Note were great.

Anyway, in the meantime we have Kellerman acting out that storyline (which is interesting, because half a season ago I never would've suspected that - thought that Mahone'd be the one to switch sides and take down the company, which he kind of is, but... see above. -_-) and it's fantastic. I'm loving Kellerman more and more, and wrong though it is I enjoyed watching him take down everyone who gets in his way. ;p (I'm going to hell, yeah, but we already established that the other day with my Wincest post, so...) I rather like the irony that he's about to take down the president right as Michael & co. realize they need her to free Lincoln. Nice. And on an off-note, I wonder if they're going to get Patricia Wettig back on the show? Because they're going to have to show the president eventually, at this rate, and barring recasting they'll need her back. I haven't been paying much attention to PB news, so I have no idea if she's coming back.

Not much to say on the main Michael-Lincoln storyline - it was exciting and entertaining, and I still want to know what the damned sound clip actually says... It was nice to see LJ again, though I was hoping for much of him when I saw him in the previously on and in the guest credits.

Haha, I'm excited to see what happens if/when T-Bag and Bellick come face-to-face on that plane. Nice. XD

Undoubtedly one of the best episodes I've seen so far, and it really moved the show up a notch for me. I've been enjoying Heroes but am not super into it, nor am I super impressed by it (it's good, but not fantastic IMO). But this episode was really good on every level. I loved the depths that they brought to Mr. Bennet in the episode. I've thought for awhile that he's an interesting character, and have enjyoed his moral ambiguity. I'm glad that I was right about him genuinely caring about and trying to protect his family/Claire, but I love that he's still morally ambiguous and has obviously down some morally questionable things in his work. I loved seeing his backstory, and enjoyed the intereaction between him and Claude. Plus, nice to see Eccleston clean-shaven again. :) The final scene on the bridge was fantastic, and I was glad that he ultimately chose to protect Claire because, in spite of everything he's done, he really does care about her and came to love her in spite of what he knew he was supposed to do.

Oh yeah, and I watched the season 2 premiere of Supernatural yesterday.

I've known for ages that John would die, but was still sad to see it. Really enjoyed this episode, there was some great character stuff and nice interactions between the Winchesters. I loved the dark tone of the episode. And... I feel like I should have more to say, but I can't think of anything to say offhand. It was a really really good episode, though, and I loved the character development and interaction. Great stuff.

And now, Lee on L&O: CI. :) I don't watch CI normally, but it's Lee so I'm making an exception. :)

prison break, supernatural, heroes

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