update, TV, etc

Feb 25, 2007 23:19

Watching the Oscars and am bored... don't know many of the movies this year, so really it's just in the background while I fool around on the computer. It's dull yet oddly I can't stop watching...

Got back to school last night, and have done very little since... had a great week with my family in Halifax. Didn't do too much, though we did visit a farm which was cool. Other than that, just hung out and drew and talked. Was nice to be around people. ^^ Didn't do any work, of course... managed to read the play that we're starting this week in English, but that's about it.

HAHAHA, Snakes on a Plane reference at the Oscars. Most exciting thing to happen so far. XD That was awesome.

Now, back to boring awards for movies I haven't seen. XD I'm looking forward to the In Memorium part, actually, because I'm hoping that Andreas Katsulas will get a mention. Though he wasn't in the one at the Globes, which was disappointing.

Lesse, some random thoughts accumulated over the week (because I didn't like typing on my cousin's computer ^^)

- PB was awesome, it's increasingly becoming one of the only shows that I genuinely really look forward to every week. Getting frustrated with everything else, but PB is consistently exciting and entertaining.

- Heroes was good. Relieved that Simone was the one to die, cause honestly didn't care about her at all. Was
worrying that it might be Matt, but he's okay so yay. :) Loved Peter and Claude training, and Peter mastering his powers. Awesome.

- didn't expect to get to watch SVU, because we were at my cousin's friend's farm that night, but after we'd finished watching our movie and the end of American Idol we were channel flipping (at 11pm, which is evidentally when SVU's on in the Maritimes) and lo and behold there was Meloni. Woo hoo. I want caps from that ep; there were a few awesome shots of him I noticed... haha, yeah, that's pretty much all I remember. Kinda 'wtf' about the reveal at the end, but don't care much.

-Greatly disappointed in the Lost flashbacks - been waiting for that backstory for ages, and it completely failed to live up to expectations. Blah, Bai Ling, and blah stupid "I have a gift and I can see that you're a leader so I'm going to tattoo it to your body!" ai yi yi. Always liked the idea that Jack had run away to Thailand and gotten the tattoos in a fit of rebellion against his father during Med School, and always kinda hoped that that's what had happened. Oh well.

- GA went exactly how I expected, but was generally enjoyable. Sandra Oh was fantastic, as usual. Nice to see JDM again (and kinda strange for me now that I've been watching SPN so am more used to him as John Winchester than as Denny these days... at the time I started watching SPN I didn't even realize that it was the same guy ^^). The end of the ep was good.

- just watched VM today, since the family doesn't get the CW.. was spoiled about it the other day, so already knew the main thing that happened, but still pissed off and depressed over Lamb's death. WTF? I was never a big Lamb fan, but I enjoy his character and like watching him be an ass (and like watching Keith and Veronica always getting one up on him and being snarky with him). Like Michael Muhney, too, especially since he showed up at the Browncoat Backup Bash in December to hang out with fans, even though he's from a different show, cause he's a Firefly fan and he's just that cool. XD I'm going to miss him on the show, it won't seem the same without him... meh, I'm getting more and more iffy about VM these days, which seems to be a prety common feeling among fans right now. I'm still enjoying the show in general, but it's increasingly irritating me, too.

- I've been re-watching Oz season 1 (eps 5-8, since I rewatched eps 1-4 back in August) for my essay I'm planning to write on the representation of prisons in the media. Planning to re-watch season 2 after, since I own the DVD now. Am greatly enjoying re-discovering season 1. The first time I watched it last summer I wasn't sure how I felt about the series, and I didn't really get into it until the end of the season. But going back now, I'm realizing just how fantastic season 1 is. It tends to be overshadowed in my mind because Keller and B/K isn't introduced until s2, but there's some amazing stuff in the first season and I don't even really miss Meloni at all. Having just been re-watching s4, I'm struck by how much better the smaller characters/storylines were in s1. Unlike the dull non-B/K or Ryan storylines in s4 (aging drug, Chinese immigrants, Clayton Hughes, Omar fucking White, the list goes on...) s1 was actually interesting - I'm really enjoying watching the politics and power plays between the various groups, more so than in later seasons. Plus, the mob was actually interesting in s1 - Schibetta was an awesome mob leader, and I'm loving the stuff between him, Ryan, and Adebisi. Also loving Ryan and Adebisi, period - what ever happened to that dynamic? Great stuff. And Ryan in season 1 is a thing of fucking beauty. I mean, I love him thoughout the series, but it's great seeing him pre-Gloria/Cyril/'redemption' arc, in all of his sociopathic and manipulating glory. Plus, I miss the Ryan-Beecher dynamic in s1, the two of them getting together and doing drugs. Hee. Also, some great minor characters in s1, unlike later - how awesome was Groves? Just watched ep7, and his stuff in it is great. Ep8 next, and looking forward to seeing the riot again. Brilliant stuff.

- gotten some more pics done for fanart50, now up to 10/50 done. Yay! And several non Toby or Chris, which is great - got one Ryan, one Said, and one Adebisi. Plus, one of young!private school!Toby, which is cute. :) Will post soon.

- finished season 1 of Supernatural earlier today! Really enjoyed it, and have 2.01 downloaded so will watch tomorrow. Though I already know one of the main spoilers for it... :( Last 2 eps were really good. I love the interplay between Sam and Dean, the snark and the angst... don't really have any deep thoughts on it, but am enjoying it. And read a ridiculously hot Dean/Sawyer crossover fic the other day, heh. My feelings about Wincest are mixed, so going to hunt for more good crossover fic...

And.. that's it, I think. Oscars are still boring. Meh. But oddly entertaining, anyway... can't be too much left, maybe an hour? Not sure.

Orlando in a few days! Yay.

grey's anatomy, veronica mars, heroes, oz, svu, prison break, supernatural, lost, tv stuff

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