PB, Heroes, Reading Week

Feb 05, 2007 22:59

Think I'm going to be heading to Halifax for Reading Week, now... NYC's still a distant possibility, but even if it works out I don't think I'll go. Too expensive, too big a deal, and I'm going to Orlando the next week anyway so I don't really need 2 big trips. Looking forward to Halifax now; I called my uncle and he's fine with me coming. It'll be fun to hang out with the family and do very little beyond spending time with them, watching Supernatural, and possibly playing FFXII if they don't mind me bringing my PS2. XD Hey, I won't have much schoolwork to do, so I might as well make use of the time to play more. ;p

Also, PB tonight=love. And the end of Heroes=omgwtf?

There was kissing! And Sara and Michael beating on Kellerman for the torture! And train escapades! And the return of Mahone's little pills! Woo hoo!

And I honestly don't really care that Haywire's dead. Knew someone was going, and better him than anyone I actually care about. Long as Sucre's still safe...

T-Bag's creeping me out even more, if that's possible. Meep.

Kellerman is awesome. Though he still deserved Sara's justified attack. Hah. Been looking forward to the fallout from the torture ever since Team Scofield-Burrows joined up with Kellerman, and it didn't disappoint. Though would've liked to have seen more of Michael going batshit on him for touching his girl. ;p

But then there was Michael-Sara touching and feeling sharing and kissing and squee! I'm not even a big-time shipper of them, but I like them and I was excited. "The first thing they tell us is to never fall in love with an inmate..." *meaningful looks* *kissing* *sound of me squeeing in background*

I want to see more of Mahone going up against the Company. Let's hope they remember that... -_- But return of the pills made me happy, and I liked his little talk with Haywire about how he understands what it's like to be cornered. I am glad that he didn't actually outright kill him, though. I really hope they do right with his storyline; I'm a bit worried, but fairly optimistic in general.

Man, it must suck to be a Peter/Claire shipper right now. Unless you're into the 'cest, in which case carry right along. ;) But I'm sure quite a few fans aren't happy about this new development. It was a nice shock, though, either way. ^^ I didn't see that coming at all.

And, umm... that's all. Decent episode overall; liked the Claire stuff and the Peter stuff, didn't care much about the Niki stuff or the Isaac stuff. Hiro stuff was pretty good. Eh. Can't get all that excited about this show, though I enjoy it.

Also, I finished 2 more fanart50 drawings and am in the planning stages of another. Woo hoo!

prison break, heroes

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