SAG awards, randomness, GIP

Jan 28, 2007 22:47

*iz bored* My Internet's been dead for the past couple of hours, which sucked cause I wanted to post thoughts during the SAG awards and try to find screencaps to draw for fanart50. Couldn't do either, so boredly watched the awards and finished up my 4th pic for fanart50 (the final scene from "Cuts Like a Knife" for the prompt 'not the end'. Awww...) Wanted to start on a fifth one (of Ryan for the prompt 'liar'), but lacking good pics of him on my computer and lacking in Internet. Bleh.

The SAG awards were suitably dull with a few brief highlights. I really have no interest in most of the films this year, so I only care about the TV ones. Glad that Hugh Laurie won. Vaguely irritated that Mariska was nominated but Chris wasn't (was he even there? I didn't see him... probably not). Mariska's good, but seriously have they not seen Chris? He puts so much power and intensity into every scene he's in and just acts the hell out of everything... I wish he'd get noticed more, because he deserves it. It's really a pity that he never got nommed for Oz, but they could at least make it up now by noticing him in SVU. Anyway, aside from that... ummm... very few thoughts. Glad that Little Miss Sunshine won ensemble cast. Glad that Grey's Anatomy won TV ensemble, because they really do have an excellent ensemble cast and the show's good about using all the characters equally. Speaking of, also happy that Chandra Wilson won best actress in a drama, cause she's awesome. Not happy at all, however, that Andreas Katsulas wasn't in the 'in memorium' segment (pretty sure last year's awards were before his death, so he should've been in this year's...).

Meh. Not too long until the Oscars, but I haven't seen many of the movies (barely any, actually), so I don't really care. These days I'm only really interested in the TV awards, and even at that most of my favourite shows are old ones. -_- And several of the current shows I like (namely VM) never get nommed at the Emmys even though they deserve it. Bleh, oh well, awards shows are a way to pass a boring evening after a boring day. I'm actually looking foward to having class tomorrow... also planning to head to the mall to get some ink and, possibly, to buy a fish. Heh. I 'liberated' a glass bowl centerpiece from Don's Ball (well, they did say we could take them.... though probably wasn't supposed to take one from another table...) and am thinking of putting a fish in it. Cause I want a fish. I haven't had a pet in years... I'd have to leave it at the end of the year (wah ;_;), but it'd be nice for awhile. Am thinking of naming it Toby if I get one. Cause I'm THAT MUCH of a geek. And it seems oddly fitting, don't ask me why. ^^;

Booring day, blah. Did laundry, did a bit of reading, watched TV, stared at wall, drew stuff, watched SAG awards, napped, messed around online... I need to find stuff to do on weekends. I guess once the work starts piling up I'll have more to do... I'm also trying to figure out what to do on reading week. Might be going to NYC with bronzejarith, but not sure yet. If not, then might head to Halifax to stay with family (whom I haven't told this to yet... umm, soliloloquyv, if you're reading this - I might be getting a hold of you guys about this soon. When's your reading week/what are you doing on it? Mine's Feb 17-25.)

Also, new icon cause I'm bored of the Chris/Toby one. So now we have Chris and Ryan with a very appropriate Harry Potter quote. All credit goes to emication.

fandom, tv stuff

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