
Jan 03, 2007 23:09

*just watched Torchwood 1X12*

adsfda;fdadskfjaf;kj;;11 *brain explodes*

There was boykissing! And hand holding! and dancing! And Jack angsting and crying! and backstory! and acknowledgement that Ianto and Jack are sleeping together!

So happy. XD Really enjoyed that episode, and not just cause of the boykissing I swear. I'm always a bit of a sucker for time travel (also really liked 1X10), and I liked the wartime/40s-era stuff. Enjoyed the Jack backstory, and loved how upset he became over the knowledge that the original Jack would die the next day. I thought I was reading too much into it thinking that there'd be slash, then suddenly there was handholding and meaningful looks. :) Made me happy. And I loved how Jack ran back to kiss original!Jack before going through the rift (while everyone was watching and going 'omgwtf', heh).

The Owen-Ianto showdown was good, too. Ianto shooting Owen was a shock... And Owen telling Ianto that he's just one of Jack's shags. ;_; And I suspect based on that that Ianto actually cares about Jack beyond just casual sex - wish they'd explore their relationship more. We've hardly seen them together... but at least that confirmed that yes, they are definitely having sex. ^__^ I love that this show has canon boyslash and doesn't make a big deal about it. The plus side of having the QaF creator doing the show. ;)

Want to watch ep13... but it's the last of the season. ;_; Then I'll have to wait until prob September for new eps. I hope there's some Jack/Ianto stuff in the next episode...


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