Player Stats like a pokéman.
Ria @
tcg_exchange » Level 04 / 178 cards
053 contributions /
075 trades
No masteries
Badges Like...gymleader badges except not.
Buddies S'like the Elite Four except more. That rhymed. Unintentionally.
Importantz0rz Certs, event cards, and all that goodness piled here. I'm willing to redeem a certificate for any card you want if you're holding something for me and don't mind, just tell me.
Council Top priority! Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all!
Tone Medium-high interest~ Currently trading when I see them and on the lookout.
Bure Current special deck! Get it? Got it. Good.
Inferno This is the only deck I'm building with certificates. If you'd like to make me an offer, you can cash in a certificate and offer me one of these. :3
Complex Low priority, I'm just nabbing them as they come along. Higher priority than the decks I'm interested in and first importance of the future decks.
Revolution Low priority, I'm just nabbing them as they come along. Higher priority than the decks I'm interested in and second importance of the future decks.
Pan My long term project! It's a big deck so I'm probably the most relaxed with this one, actually. ;;
Rekka Another long term project because apparently one wasn't enough.
OUENDAAAAAAAAAN! AKA SHINIES. I WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT TRADE YOU THESE CARDS BECAUSE I JUST LIKE THEM. May become futures but for now, ehhh... Anything that has an ouendan or a fish face reference goes in here fo' shizzle.
In a galaxy far, far away... Futures and such! I'm not really collecting these at the moment but I'd rather hang on to them. Unless you have something I really want, they're not up for nabs. But you never know. Make me a proposal and I might consider.
Available Any of these are up for grabs. Some I kinda like but I'm pretty chill so offer me anything and it'll be unlikely that I say no.
Special You know the drill with these. Trade two normal cards or one special. :3
Interest I'm open to any trades but the following are of particular interest.
Council and Tone are my current decks so they are first importance! As for specials, Bure is what I'm really interested in, though offering me Oww would be awesomesauce. My long term projects are Pan and Rekka, both would be appreciated. My future decks are Complex and Revolution, I'll probably trade you whatever for them. Lesser priorities are Iris, Sinner, and Cook. Coffee, Clown, Extreme, Dove, Despair, or Pudding will be accepted graciously as well. If it's in my keeps pile and I have more than five cards, I will accept it.
Wishlist Specific cards I want. (ha ha)
Crossover 12
Pending Cards I've offered to others and holds. Holds are indefinite.
unchainedfenrir is holding Tone 03 and Tone 20 for me.
rashiea is holding Complex 01 for me.
Holding Attack! 01 for
kyrieluffins. She's holding Sinner 07 for me and waiting on another Sinner card
Holding Homicide 07 for
Holding Pokedex 119 and Pokedex 140 for
Holding Sannin 14 for
Offered Nya 19 to
pyol for Iris 12.
Offered Council 03 to
sumeragi_sei for Rekka 37.
~B.T.A Ria-Chan is playing a children's card game