Jul 18, 2005 12:44
I want life to come faster so I can see the great highlights...
I cant help but be guilty...
guilty for wondering if this will be the last man I kiss...
crazy for considering whether this will be the last man that holds me...
the last gaze I will be able to feel go through my entire body...
I cant help but be guilty...
Sometimes when we kiss I get a warm sensation from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head...its like Im on fire inside...
Your eyes whisper...and my eyes listen...
Your cold breath sends a chill down my back...
I cant help but be guilty...
I feel like you see me looking into you...
I know you see me...wondering whats going on inside...
I'm guilty of feeling this way...
guilty for wondering if this will be the last man I kiss...
wondering if this is the way it feels when you know...this is it...
I'm guilty...and you're my guilty pleasure...