May 18, 2006 09:31
dream one: meeting a girl on a hillside. Reading a story in MAD Magazine.
now there at the fair with the nerd corset crowd. I have in my hand or find the cover of that issue of MAD so that I can see the cover.
dream two (inadvertent WTD): in a little cubby hole where I sleep and a little clock-radio, after midnight. Putting it on and listening. In a plane (it looks like a room), very cramped, with Hans and Katt a few rows over, consulting a strange-looking map.
walking down a hall, finding myself in part of a school. eating cookies just left out.
looking up, seeing a scene I can’t really describe (as if it simply doesn’t stick in memory) of staring up at a night sky.
then in an atrium where (as the fetish fair goes on elsewhere) a small group of guys all at least 45 sit and talk, one of them saying he has decided to transition. I want to congratulate him then think I feel embarrassed to out myself even to a DC. Besides, does a DC need my encouragement?
outside now via some place else, like a gallery or museum or the wing of the palace of a supremely wealthy Middle Easterner. No one about at all. Hush .
a few teenagers loiter about outside. I approach one girl… she looks a little surly, a little bit goth, dark haired, plain dark dress… and informs her that I exist and I have a LD right now. I feel sure she exists IWL too.
I demonstrate levitating parallel to the ground (after one or one and a half false tries) and of extinguishing a fire by waving my hand. I ask her her name which she tells me(?) (if did, I forgot) and her home state which I know that I forgot. She also seems unimpressed by my tricks.
now in a large, bright clean space. Little glass front cabinets show small Asian artifacts for sale.
passing into a chamber with a round arch with netting. I try to think of a way to untangle it. it does not occur to me to try to walk around to the entrance to the side or to cut the net. My own consciousness gets obscured by an excerpt from a book reeling off in my head.
through it all, even when going lucid, I think of the fetish fair as IWL.
maybe magical dreams,
lucid dreams