last night (or early this morning) I worked some more on the book and a little more this morning.
I had gotten stuck on writing, re-writing this one scene (the second section of the book; it won't have chapters, just sections) and could not figure why it did not work, no matter how much I took it apart and put it back together.
on my way to a life modeling gig (which I ended up turning down, so it did not happen) I figured out that my problem with it did not have to do with content rather than structure. I had trouble visualizing a character and then I realized that the person I had imagined talking with Honest John could never live in a place like Spray. though the book violates realism a number of times, for this character to live there would violate common sense. so I replaced the character in my head with a character and it works.
some of the best stuff may not get in the book. like the allusions to alchemy somewhere in the second section because I like the language and it feels the antique feel of the book, yet it doesn't fit at all. also a great bit of english folklore I want to include that would ring false.
on top of everything else, I now have a bridge between certain sections so that they can flow better. section one: intro to Honest John, Spray. section two: Honest John in action, also meeting Lily. foreshadowing of Honest John's death in the last paragraph. section three: the death of Honest John. section four: bridging the "prologue" part of the book with the later part and introducing the character of Moon.
originally I had section one (introduction to everything) and section three (John's death) in the same section and then skipped ahead to section four, without even having introduced Lilly. it reads much smoother this way.
this has some similarity to blocking out a scene, if you have ever taken part in theatre, you will know what I mean. you just do the blocking in time rather than space.