(no subject)

Sep 19, 2005 16:31

Did you know.
she wouldnt love me i i were to tell her my secret?
did you know she would kick me out if i were to have sex?
did you know that she didnt care when i was throwing up after everymeal?
did you know that infact. she told me i was getting pretty?
did you realize i live with a very selfish self centerd woman who acts like a child?
ive had to call 4 times then block my number to have her pick up.
have you realized i dont like it whem people relate me to her.
and i really dont care for it when you say " OMG that was your grandma"
or that it just really pisses me off, becasuse normally it isnt something i picked up from her, but more that she picked it up from me?
have you taken in concideration that i tried to hurt her when i was younger in spite and anger.
did you know that she makes me feel guilty for loving my mother.
saying that i love my dad and papa before i say i love her makes her ground me.
Oh and she pulls a gulit trip on me when i tell her that she is closed minded.
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