What do they call these kinds of posts again...?

Jun 03, 2010 18:03

This is a list of characters I roleplay as/want to roleplay as on livejournal. For my reference, and to entertain others who stalk my journal for some reason >_>/idk. (I will update this over time.)


I play . . .

chiseledmouse - My Ginjika Sandshrew OC that proves time and time again just how clueless he is at acting the part of a human being. He's a philanthropic kid, but he's lacks the marbles to really make a difference, due to his age and the fact he has nobody to raise him. I'm building up his character slowly c=. Maybe one day I'll put him into an actual roleplay again, but that day isn't going to come for a long while.

I guess I should mention I named him after an old Rping friend of mine >_>.

sixnulls - Only mentioning him because of all the BW hype. He's a Zekrom. He's also a dick. Yeah.

bedazzlingly - Ruby from Pokemon Adventures. He's my most active muse at the moment. Spakles and sunshine kid with the occasional pissy times and a bad habit of lying. I'll be canon reviewing and head canonerring him soon-ish.

brbsalamence - Littler Ruby. Because people are enablers and I have a huge munchkin weakness. My first character that I've experimented heavily with 'head canon' on. So far so good.

canhazeco  - OLIVIA. I HATE YOU FOR ENABLING ME. Actually not really. This account is Jak from Jak II, and I'd like to think he's my strongest 'voice' out of my pups because I've been playing him the longest. It's too bad I'm chickening out of giving him a home because I don't know what I'd do with this little ball of anger management in a game besides... make him a little ball of anger management. Derp.

Wish to play . . .

Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper) - He's a furry thief jerkface guy. The games and the plotline have been great so far; he'd be fun to try and roleplay as, methinks. Now if only Prague wasn't so dark on my TV I could finish the game. OTL

Coryn (The Guardians of Ga'hoole #7+) - Some variation on his name has been used as my username on sites for years now. He's a childhood muse.

Manfred the Mammoth (Ice Age) - The reason why I shouldn't watch family movie marathons. JSAGHGGHJ.

Genderswap!Jak 'Jakie' (Jak and Daxter Original Trilogy) - I should really stop talking to lacrisalide.

!muselist, bawwww, she roleplays?, wtf

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