Updates on stuff and- Oh look a meme!

Jan 24, 2011 17:08

Hi, it's Rianna here to bring you another angsty po-

Actually no. Life's been pretty darn good, actually. Why? Well, Dad has behaved himself, for one. I might be excempt from my APES H final too; I'll find out tomorrow. You see, in my school if you have a 90% average in a class or higher and if you are a senior, you don't have to take the final for the class. I have an 87% average, and there are three assignments that have yet to be processed, one of which is a test.


Fingers crossed on that.

My friend and I have English together next semester and it's going to be fantastic. I have the cloud cuckoolander again for German three: fantastic. Last but not least, my art teacher is personally going teach me how to me how to airbrush shade Lady Gaga tomorrow: faaaaantassstiiiiiicccc~

The only thing not fantastic about the present, is that I burnt another finger on hot-glue today; my main finger I "hunt&peck" type with to boot. Though, it doesn't hurt that much- it's just a little tender is all.

And now ladies and gentlemen I present to you an extension of PD's latest Meme because I enjoyed myself, dammit:

Music Drabble Meme:

* Make a playlist of however many songs you'd like.

I'll be using my I-tunes playlist; however, you cannot select these numbers:


It's because those songs do not have lyics and I'd *dialtone* on them, or in the case of (111)- it's very dirty, lololololol.

* State the number of songs on your playlist we can choose from, and which characters you'd like to write about.


x Coryn [The Guardians of Ga'hoole]

x Nyra [The Guardians of Ga'hoole]

x Sly Cooper [Sly I: Thievius Raccoonus or Sly II: Band of Thieves timeline wise]

x Jak [Jak II:Renegade, or Jak 3.]

x Daxter [Jak Trilogy]

x Link [Twilight Princess... lololololol]

x Pretty much anyone from the RuSa Arc [Pokemon Special]

x The Rubys three: bedazzlingly, brbsalamence, herebesparkles 
^And anyone they've interacted with^

* STEP THREE:  People will reply with whichever character and/or pairing they want written (assuming you have more than one), and a number between the ones you specified. Prompts beyond what's described below are optional.

You can request more than one at a time if you want; it's not like there's much of you to deviate writing time too. :l.

* You will then write a drabble related to the specified song. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No cheating by lingering afterwards! For this reason, it's best to have a playlist you're familiar with.

lol random songs, never let her touch a keyboard, yay, let's talk about my boring life, she roleplays?, art

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