Swiftboating McCain

Apr 27, 2008 22:34

Regardless of how the Democratic primary works out, I think the winner will beat McCain.  The Democratic side is more exciting, and has been sucking up all the oxygen, but there are some stories still out there about McCain.  Like this one about how over 1/4 of the voters in the Republican Primary voted against McCain.  He's got the nomination wrapped up, and still, a fourth of his parties voters turn out to vote against him.

In any event I'm ready for the part of the election where the Democrats get to bash on Republicans instead of each other.

And if there were true balance in the universe, in six months the general population would believe that the Democratic nominee had an honorable and extensive military record, while McCain was a self-promoting coward.  It's not going to happen, but swift-boating McCain is an amusing intellectual exercise.


Vietnam POWs for Truth. 
"The truth has been imprisoned for 40 years - it's time to set it free."

1967 - A time of war.
The United States of America was at war in southeast Asia, fighting against Communist North Vietnam.  And while our brave soldiers were fighting in the jungles, where was John McCain?  He was in the enemy capital, Hanoi, the same city visited by leftist activist Jan Fonda.  Sure, he claims he couldn't leave.  He says he was a "prisoner", but the facts just don't add up.

* McCain claims he was captured by soldiers.  But actual photographs show unarmed farmers "capturing" him.  Captured by unarmed farmers?  How did that happen?

* John McCain has claimed he was a prisoner, but also admits he was offered a chance to leave in July 1968, and he refused.  Why didn't he want to leave?  Things couldn't have been too bad if he decided to stay in Communist Hanoi, instead of returning home to the United States.

* John McCain's father, Admiral McCain, was in command of all the US military forces in Vietnam.  Under his command, dozens of rescue missions were launched, rescuing hundreds of real American POWs, but a rescue mission was never even considered for John McCain.  Why would Admiral McCain order rescue missions for hundreds of other Americans, but not his own son?

* North Vietnam allowed American visitors to tour  military prisoners and meet with Americans that were really held captive.  But John McCain refused to meet with visiting Americans.  Why didn't John McCain want people to see where he lived in Hanoi?

* John McCain was missing for over two years of his supposed "captivity".  He claims he was in "solitary confinement".  But when challenged to provide proof, Senator McCain gets angry and defensive.  Why won't he provide any proof of his claims?

John McCain claims he was prisoner.  But he could have left and didn't.  He could have been rescued and wasn't.  He claims his living conditions were terrible, but can offer no proof, and refused at the time a chance show how bad it was.  Why is John McCain hiding what he was really doing in Vietnam?  Isn't time the American people knew the whole truth?

Real Answers to our Questions are the only way the public can know the truth about John McCain's "war record".
Why won't John McCain answer these simple questions?
What is he hiding?
Why won't John McCain set the truth free?


Post 35 in the 100 Posts in 100 Days project.

politics, 100 days

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