Hahah, one of these days we'll be in the same fandom again. What fandoms are you in, anyway? Maybe there'll be something I'll just try. Or you could do what I suggested to artemidora above, and see if I can do fic from back-engineered canon for you. ;D It is sure to be ridiculous.
Haha, we can only hope to be! My current fandoms are Stargate (still), Glee, Harry Potter, Torchwood/Who, and True Blood, Lost, Vampire Diaries and Star Trek (even though I don't read fic in 3 of them).
Back-engineered canon? I'm going to have to read this comment. lol
*shrieks* I love your icon, that is so awesome. :Db And ooh, well I still read fic in Harry Potter now and again when it is recommended to me, and same for Stargate Atlantis, and the odd (very odd) Star Trek fic (there's a really good ST reboot-based fic about Jim Kirk and how it takes a village (or a whole ship) to raise a child, ehehe, called Graduate Vulcan, have you read it? Language geekery abounds!). Though I've never written in any of those fandoms, I'm willing to give them a try if you don't mind my butchering them, ehehe.
Yes, back-engineered. Have you ever been part of a fandom without previous experience with the canon? I always seem to do that because I will follow authors that I trust into whatever fandoms they venture into. :D And then, well, see above. :P
OH, I get it now! Okay. No, I've never done that. I've always watched/read the canon first, then got into the fandom. Unless it's a multi-media fandom. Then I may only know part of it's entire canon. For example, LotR is one of my fandoms, but only the movie side of it. Or in Who I only know recent canon (2005 and on). Though I have read fics here and there in fandoms I didn't know. Like if I'm reading an X-Files fic by an author I like and, like you said, then read another fic by her that's set in a universe I don't know, like Due South. But that's not really getting *into* the fandom, you know? Just dabbling. lol
And i haven't read the ST fic either. Sounds rather interesting though. And how familiar are you with Stargate canon? I might have a challenge. lol
Well, Graduate Vulcan for fun and profit is here. I've followed her through several fandoms, actually. Hee, I dabble a lot too, but several times the dabbling catches my attention enough that I explore further in the fandom on my own and next thing you know, I'm neck deep. :P
( ... )
Haha, while I watched at least 6 or 7 seasons of SG1, I never made it to season 10 consistently. I know about the later plot points through SGA xovers! And I've never seen the 3 movies. My main knowledge is SGA, which I watched all 5 seasons of. And have read two of the tie-in novels for. I can definitely rec you some stuff, but it will be either SGA or SGA/SG1. I'm on a huge John Sheppard/Cam Mitchell kick right now. It's my secondary slash OTP after McShep.
Cool. I don't know why I thought you were primarily SG-1. Silly me. I'm more into SGA fic myself, though I only watched the first season and part of season 2 and have been spoiled six ways til Sunday on the major plot points in the later seasons. I remember swimming around in SGA fandom back when it first started exploding, and reading tons of fic and being so impressed by the quality because most of the authors had already gotten their writing chops in older fandoms (like HP and Due South, hehe). So I'm down with recs. And if you want me to try and write you fic, I'm down for that too, hee. McShep is so entertaining. ^_^ I'm really fond of gen antics myself, team stuff.
Maybe you're thinking of Marie? She's the SG1 person.
While SGA is by far the crackiest I've ever seen *and* been in, it also has the highest # of amazing writers I've seen. A large percentage of the most amazing, thought provoking, moving fic I've read has been in this fandom.
Even though you know the eps from fic, I would suggest you watch certain ones yourself. You might find that your perceptions don't mesh with those of the overall fandom. Esp the eps that were controversial, involved unpopular characters or people hated. I would love to hear what you think about The Last Man, Vegas, The Shrine, Sunday, the one where John goes back home for his father's funeral, and some other ones. I definitely found myself in some heated discussions about some of those fics and certain characters and plots.
I'll send you some recs and think of prompts. Anythiing you won't write or you're not comfortable with?
Mmm, I'll let you know if I'm unfamiliar with a character, how about that? And I'm not cool with dubcon or 'rape/assault as a quick way to get to h/c'. Be warned that I'm not very solid with characterization post season 2, beyond what I've picked up from fic, but I'm willing to try. ^^
Seriously, SGA fic can get pretty ridiculous and I love it. And there's such good quality stuff out there. My SGA section of my lj memories got pretty unwieldy because I figured out early on that if I liked a fic, I'd better bookmark it because I'd never find it again, hehe.
Yeah, I'm rubbish at tags and memories. I think I'm going to get a Delicious account and start saving my links. And I do keep a recs file, but it's like the size of a novel now. Seriously.
Haha, when you said rape or dubcon to get to h/c I immediately thought to myself "so no classic TOS K/S fic?"
How are you writing femslash? That's one thing SGA sorely lacks. I could even stick to characters you'd be familiar with (who you'd know from the early seasons). I'm always dying for more Teyla/Kate or Teyla/Elizabeth fic.
Hahaha, yeah, sorry, I'm not that into the 'fuck or die' Ponfarr-type scenarios. Though Adele and I were talking when she was visiting about trying to find that one Nine Inch Nails "Closer" K/S fanvid, since she doesn't have a downloaded copy and the creator has since taken it off the web. Any chance you've heard of it/have it? :D?
Ooh, I am totally down for f/f fics. Yeah, that one fic that I was wincing about is entirely f/f, except it's kind of not because I had characters get sex/body switched in classic SGA deus ex machina fashion from male into female bodies, only it was RPF. Sort of. ^^;;; Silly self-indulgent stuff. I really should have known better, and now I'm jonesing for more f/f fics. And contemplating turning that fic I was wincing about into a sequel with one of the characters being trans, but I need to do more research first to not screw it up horribly. ^^
But oooh, Teyla/Elizabeth. The power dynamics of that one would be interesting. :D
Have fun, darling!
Thanks m'dear! ^_^ ♥
Back-engineered canon? I'm going to have to read this comment. lol
Yes, back-engineered. Have you ever been part of a fandom without previous experience with the canon? I always seem to do that because I will follow authors that I trust into whatever fandoms they venture into. :D And then, well, see above. :P
And i haven't read the ST fic either. Sounds rather interesting though. And how familiar are you with Stargate canon? I might have a challenge. lol
While SGA is by far the crackiest I've ever seen *and* been in, it also has the highest # of amazing writers I've seen. A large percentage of the most amazing, thought provoking, moving fic I've read has been in this fandom.
Even though you know the eps from fic, I would suggest you watch certain ones yourself. You might find that your perceptions don't mesh with those of the overall fandom. Esp the eps that were controversial, involved unpopular characters or people hated. I would love to hear what you think about The Last Man, Vegas, The Shrine, Sunday, the one where John goes back home for his father's funeral, and some other ones. I definitely found myself in some heated discussions about some of those fics and certain characters and plots.
I'll send you some recs and think of prompts. Anythiing you won't write or you're not comfortable with?
Seriously, SGA fic can get pretty ridiculous and I love it. And there's such good quality stuff out there. My SGA section of my lj memories got pretty unwieldy because I figured out early on that if I liked a fic, I'd better bookmark it because I'd never find it again, hehe.
Haha, when you said rape or dubcon to get to h/c I immediately thought to myself "so no classic TOS K/S fic?"
How are you writing femslash? That's one thing SGA sorely lacks. I could even stick to characters you'd be familiar with (who you'd know from the early seasons). I'm always dying for more Teyla/Kate or Teyla/Elizabeth fic.
Ooh, I am totally down for f/f fics. Yeah, that one fic that I was wincing about is entirely f/f, except it's kind of not because I had characters get sex/body switched in classic SGA deus ex machina fashion from male into female bodies, only it was RPF. Sort of. ^^;;; Silly self-indulgent stuff. I really should have known better, and now I'm jonesing for more f/f fics. And contemplating turning that fic I was wincing about into a sequel with one of the characters being trans, but I need to do more research first to not screw it up horribly. ^^
But oooh, Teyla/Elizabeth. The power dynamics of that one would be interesting. :D
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