Feb 20, 2010 02:49

My car got stolen tonight.

I studied at Borders with the Queen, then drove to the Starbucks for the once-a-month Deaf Coffee Social. Got there at 11pm, it was full of people, chatted until 12:15, and went outside with a friend to take a look at his camera. Car was gone. We walked all around the parking lot in case I was delirious and forgot where I parked. No go.

Friend was so nice and stayed with me through calling the police to take my statement. Woke up the Queen, she came and picked me up.

AAAAAAAAARGH. I don't even really care about the car, and luckily nothing life-or-death left inside it. I had my purse with me. But ARAARGH. My bag with my school stuff and a rented textbook was still in it. >.< I'm still in shock, I guess, because emotionally I'm kinda flat, though that's not unusual. Friends cheered me up, at least. ^^;;;

AAAAAARGH. That is all. Life: 1, the fruit: 0. Queen's giving me a ride to work tomorrow/today, 8:15. It's currently 2:47, since she just dropped me off back home. I am NOT looking forward to telling my mom and grandma about this. >.

rl aaaaargh

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