It was a slow day at the newspaper office - when Arashi fans write news!

Dec 12, 2009 00:16

So I was at the main house watching the Golden Horse Awards (it's a Chinese movie awards show with entries from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.) and my mom was reading the local Chinese language weekly. She turns the page to the entertainment section, and the first thing I see is this:

My reading Chinese is very painstakingly slow, but the nice thing about entertainment news is that it tends to be fluffy and use easy vocabulary. :D But this is Super Breaking news, guys. XD Popular group Arashi's leader Ohno Satoshi is doing a drama. That was last summer, ahaha. And if you recognize the characters, the only members mentioned in the whole article are Ohno and Nino.

The last line is hilarious, it's basically a 'quote' from his good brothers (maybe this means like members? I'm not sure :/) Nino about how he's known Ohno for so long, and didn't know that he could act so well in a drama. XDDD

I just wanted to share, because it amused me.

P.S. I don't do holiday cards. However! I have really cute holiday stamps from the post office! So if anyone would like me to write them a letter filled with silly sketches, because snail mail is fun, PM me with your address and maybe I'll have something out by New Year. :D Love to all, hope you're doing well.

news, arashi, random, my brain is a strange place

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