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nicocoer June 11 2008, 20:45:18 UTC
As a gamer, if you write the gamer fic? I'll be willing to provide technical assistance in the form of flailing uncontrolably. *nods vigourously*


rhythmia June 12 2008, 00:16:28 UTC
Hahah, flailing is awesome but I'd be scared to misrepresent stuff and have the wrath of gamer doom descend upon me. :P Is there other gamer-focused fic out there? Have you written any? *goes to journal to stalk a bit* I've only seen one fic that have Nino and Aiba and I think there were video games and legos involved but I didn't read far enough to know very clearly.


nicocoer June 12 2008, 00:25:59 UTC
Not gamer focused. See, I have one real fic up for Arashi? plus some comment porn here or there? I tend to pimp other people's stuff more. XD (though I'm writing three right now. of course, two of them I've been working on for over a month and they're still only drabble sized. but there you go. ;_; )

See, there's been some gamer fics up that I've seen in fandom, but they were less than good writing-wise. ;_;


rhythmia June 12 2008, 05:25:16 UTC
Well, pimping is good, so the good stuff gets passed around far and wide. ^^

...going to hell. I'm already writing bits for the gamer topic. I just need some help researching.... see edits to post! :D :D


nicocoer June 12 2008, 05:37:03 UTC
On Nino's gamming habits: N
ino has confessed to pretending he's a girl-gamer in order to make other gamers go "Oh, I didn't think girls could play like that!"

He also plays something with americans on a regular basis (I can't remember what it was either? it was more like a Halo sort of game though) and said something about it's okay, all he needs to know is ready go~!

Also, He's said that when He's playing regular RPGs he renames the main character to "Kazu" (short for Kazunari) so that when the main character saves the world, he have everyone in the game telling him "thank you for saving the world, Kazu! "

And he plays Tekkan with Ohno's Mother. Who Ohno has said is just like Nino. 0_0

if you have AIM: nicolettecoer


rhythmia June 12 2008, 06:51:14 UTC
I hadn't heard about the girl-gamer part! That's pretty awesome.

So Ohno has two gamers in his life. o.o goodness. I'd heard that in bits and pieces around, that his mom games with Nino and Ohno's pretty 'dame', but not that she was very similar. That...makes for a weird mental image.

Thanks for the info, that's something to start with as I brainstorm. ^_^V I...haven't been on AIM in about two-three years. But I'm rhymelon, so I suppose my AIM hiatus is over. ^^;;; It looks like you've already gone to bed, my timezone is US Pacific (er, -8 GMT?), and I won't be online again til either about 10-ish am or after 9:30pm after closing tomorrow. (Thursday)


nicocoer June 12 2008, 07:01:14 UTC
I'm awake but not officially? I need to go to bed, but um. Insomnia.

I'm in Pa, so EST (GMT -5) aka New York time.

I have meetings tomorrow (blah) but after I get off work tomorrow I don't have to be back in until Monday at the earliest, more likely Tuesday. I should be done around 9 pm -ish EST (so that's what, 6 pm your time?)and should be online from then until heaven only knows but at least until 4am EST (1 am?) if not longer. Hoo-ray for flexible hours.

Well, they always do say that boys look for a mate like their mother. . . *snerks*


rhythmia July 13 2008, 18:33:25 UTC
*poke poke* Sorry, I've been utterly fail at talking to people again for the last couple weeks. And, um, I've written a bit more of the gamer fic, but the changes in tone and style across the parts are driving me crazy. And I'm worried about getting the gamer details correct. Any chance you'd be willing/have the time to take a look at it? :3
Here: http://rhythmia.livejournal.com/47690.html


nicocoer July 14 2008, 18:14:36 UTC
It's okay, I've been computerless *gasp* and will prolly remain so until the end of the month. first my internet went, now my entire computer is just dead. :(! I'm so glad about haveing an external Hard drive, you have no idea.

Yeah, I'll look! :D!


rhythmia July 16 2008, 19:57:54 UTC
Awww, poor dead computer. *pats* No worries about any time delay in replies, I haven't been much for commenting lately anyhow. ^^;;

And grrr. My comp is too old to watch Maou on, hehe. The graphics card freaked out when I tried to watch it. Lucky my mom's comp is newer. ^_^;;;


nicocoer July 16 2008, 19:59:30 UTC
. . . I've been watching AT WORK. after hours, granted, but still.


rhythmia July 17 2008, 06:25:06 UTC
*curious* I haven't stalked backwards much in your journal, I've gotten the general impression that you do something related to teaching and/or academics, but what do you do that you can watch boys being idiots or scary lawyers on at work?

also, amount of devotion A+ ''^_^b


nicocoer July 17 2008, 16:24:38 UTC
I'm an advocate for transition aged youth dealing with the "system"- mainly Mental Health, but Substance Abuse, Children and Youth Services involvement, and Juvenile Justice as well. And that's just the PAID stuff. I do a lot of other advocacy work in between for fun. I only get paid for 15 hours a week, but I'm allowed in the office more than that, so after I sign out for the night, If I want to watch something I'm oaky with the boss-lady. :)


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