Tattoos for Christians: A soon-to-be speech by Scott Solomon

Apr 12, 2005 13:55

ok. So, I am currently doing research for a speech I'm gonna do next week. It's a controversial speech about whether or not tattoos are okay for christians. Here are both sides of the issue.


"Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put marks on yourselves. I am the Lord." -Leviticus 19:28

This verse is used when people are trying to say that tattoos are wrong for Christians. There are other newer versions of this verse that use 'tattoo' in place of 'marks' and it is the only place in the bible that mentions this issue. That verse is the backbone of the whole 'against' side. There are verses that say that the body is a temple and you should keep it holy and lots of other verses like that, but nothing else really comes close to saying that Christians should not get tattoos. Although some do think that tattoos are a sin, and I respect their opinion.


I personally think that tattoos are not a sin. However, I think that if you get a tattoo it should mean something to you. I am planning on getting tattoos. I think that if you think that tattoos are a sin then you are crazy. Why? Because some use their tattoos as a witnessing tool, tattoo is a beautiful art, in my opinion, and to quote a guy named Pastor Mark off of, "the Bible says that it's not what goes into a man that defiles him (ink?), but what come out of his mouth, or heart." I like that little quote because it says that it doesn't matter if you are tattooed as long as you are pure of heart. That's what it's all about, knowing that your heart is of God.

Here is an article by a guy named Brandon Hill that I like.

Can a Christian have a Tattoo?

By Brandon Hill

I need to begin this article by stating two things.
The first is that I believe that you should never do anything that your parents don't want you to while you are living in their house. The Bible clearly teaches that we are to obey our parents.

I know that this may be a shock to many of you, and probably your parents, but I ask that you not shun me because of it.

Many Christians believe that it is a sin to have a tattoo. I do not hold that belief. I believe that a tattoo can be a very valid (and permanent) way of stating your beliefs. However, I caution those that are thinking about tattoos to remember that it is a permanent feature and will always be there.

Many Christians will quote Leviticus 19:28 when stating that Christians should never receive a tattoo:

"Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord." - Leviticus 19:28

However, it is interesting to note what other verses in Leviticus 19 say:

Verse 9: "When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest."

Verse 19: "Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material."

Verse 26: "Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it."

Verse 27: "Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard."

Verse 28: "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord."

As you can see, many of the other 'rules' that are laid out in Leviticus are not followed today. Does that mean that the whole book of Leviticus, or even the Bible should not be followed? No! It just means that we need to carefully analyze what the theme of the Bible is, and realize what it means for us today. The book of Leviticus contained several 'laws' that were made to keep the children of Israel healthy and holy for God. Tattoos in those days were extremely dangerous and could result in injury, disease, or death. The verse also is referring to a pagan ritual of putting tattoo marks on oneself for the dead, in order to protect oneself from the spirit world.

Why should you then get a tattoo?

Why then, should one get a tattoo? A person does not need to get a tattoo! I am not advocating that everyone should get a tattoo - rather I am saying that we should not shun those who have tattoos, or make the blanket statement that they can't be a Christian. Some Christians get tattoos to show their allegiance to Christ, while others just think that it is something cool to do.

I personally got my tattoo because it is something that I thought would look cool. I also wanted to have a tattoo that reminded me of my commitment to Christ as well as announcing that commitment to others.

Please think very carefully about getting a tattoo before you get one. It is not a rash or quick decision. Always get the permission of your parents if you are still living at home with them, and be very careful that you get your tattoo at a clean and healthy place.

This is just a very short example of the kind of stuff I'm gonna use for my speech. This issue is very big with the Christian community and a lot more could be said, but this is the basic gist of what I have read.

So, please post your opinions, questions, or whatever on this issue. It would be very helpful to me.
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