Parting is such sweet sorrow

Jun 01, 2005 21:25

It's the night before I leave for beach project, and strangely, I feel prepared. kinda. I have everything together except for the last minute stuff that I'll throw in a bag in the morning. It makes me worry that I feel so prepared...I never feel prepared before a trip.
I'm getting excited... and nervous. It's gonna be a good trip down with Love and Lowell, so maybe that'll ease my nervousness some. I just don't know what to expect out of these next two months. It is so freaking uncertain. It'll be good though. It'll definitely be good.

I bought a great new CD yesterday, Copeland, In Motion. So good. I got it for $8 at Criminal Records in Little 5. AND it has TWO CD's in it! Imagine my joy when I opened it up and saw that. Two for less than the price of one! I got to hang out with Steven before I left, and that's always a good time. We sat and talked at a little coffe shop in Little 5 while sippin' on some good ol' coffee.

I've decided that next time I date someone, instead of bringing me flowers all the time (although it would still be nice sometimes) I need him to bring me CD's. Yes, yes. Lots of CD's. That is what I love. I am completely and totally addicted to music.

I'm sending out a big batch of support letters in the morning. It's gonna be interesting to see who responds. I don't expect much from this first batch, but I'm planning on sending out more half way through the summer and then right before I go. It'll be fun to see how God provides. He's never let me down before, and i don't think He'll be letting me down anytime soon.

Well, it's thundering and as I was typing this my mom said exactly what I was going to say that she was probably going to say soon (nice sentence huh?)"you might want to be wrapping that up soon." SO, I'm wrapping it up. Pray for me. "Think of me, think of me fondly when we've said goodbye! Remember me, once in a while, please promise me you'll try!" ( a little bit o' the Phantom for ya)
And..I'm out.
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