Mar 28, 2005 23:23
"The times we think we have it all figured out, are the times when we later find we were the most confused, unknowledgable, least intelligent and ultimately the least broken before God."
-the prayer room at Barnwell-
Father, keep me from planning my life. I'm so bad at it. And every time I try and figure things out so I have a plan and I know where I'm going, you flip everything upside down. I want to live by a faith so strong that I don't even have to know if You are going to allow me to take another breath. And from that, let every breath I take be glorifying to you. I want to praise You with every breath because You gave me this life and I am NOTHING without Your love and grace and mercy. You are so merciful. "Make me hear joy and gladness that the bones you have broken may rejoice." Psalm 51:8. May this continue to be my hearts cry for the rest of my life. As hard as it is to be in that broken place, that is where I grow the most. Keep growing me Father. Keep breaking me down. Break down my pride and insecurities; my selfishness and impatience. There are so many more sins that pileup in my life, and You know them all and forgave them all. You are sovreign. You hold my life in Your hands and I trust You to put me where you want me and kepp me away from where I should not be.
"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place."
II Corinthians 2:14