Another weekend off! ie, two days off instead of my typical one. and I'm starting it off with a mere 4 hours of sleep last night, in which I lay awake in bed and fretted about things nightmarishly. At work, they were all, "you spent 3 hours obsessing over something that [at work] never causes anybody any problems?" and I'm all, "yes, shut up,
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I'm cool with Lance. I'm cool with *all* of them. I think the only thing any of them could do which would really make me cross is die.
Me too, sometimes. The clearest, most real, NSYNC dream I ever had was about Chris killing himself. I woke up in tears and it took a me couple of minutes to realise it was just a dream.
However, someone once told me that RPS was wrong because it's a form of sympathetic magic -- what you write can really affect the people it's written about. Now, forgetting for the moment that I think that's utter bollocks, my first thought was, 'Hey! Cool! Does this mean that if we all write enough happyhappyhappy GSF reunion fic, then it'd *happen*?'
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