
Jul 08, 2005 06:44

well im sittin here before work, with practically no clothes on, and i decided to update the LJ!
you see i read it everyday to friends link, but as for updating, i dont really care about that unless im wicked bored

lets see, last week we went to the shore house, but hobbit couldnt come (whipcrack)
but it didnt matter, we had a fantastic time regardless, although motley cant stay awake more than 2 seconds when the chair he chooses is also his bed (its a couch bed) and he just lays there and goes right out every hour or so

we are goin again this weekend, ALL FOUR OF US HOBBIT, and a few buddies of mine might be comin down too, they will remain nameless though, cause i cant have them stealing the spotlight of my LJ

they elected me to drive down again, i know they love the comfortable seats along with recirculated air and best of all, MASTER COMPILATION SONGS ON ENDLESS REPEAT
how can you not love NJ Falls into the Atlantic on endless repeat for a good hour?
its just that damn good

we had our way with faf the other day, and god in heaven do i love that battle
if the day ever comes that im blessed with full koe im gonna quit PD and sit in the aery all day and just hire myself out to tank it for whoever claims it

to hell with LS "definitions" holding me back, i just wanna fight

in a somewhat related note, tai cursed me off about 6 times in vent, and i recorded it all, cause apparently i can sue him for RL $
so no more "when i taliban your MF~in house ima take off my pants and just get up in it with my..." (somehow i cant remember the rest, whoops)

and after joe's grad party the other day, and watching the awesome that is the scorpion king ive decided that the movie about my life will be as close to the real thing as possible
basically the following format: Senses Fail Song -> Catch Phrase -> Action -> Catch Phrase -> Finch Song -> Action -> Catch Phrase -> Action -> Catch Phrase -> Quiet Moment for Story Purposes -> Build Up Song by Motion City Soundtrack -> Action -> Action -> Catch Phrase -> Final Battle Action w/ Chevelle Song
i think thats pretty true to life

oh, and i scored the Valor Surcoat, so im better than crono again (read:always)
too bad the shore house keeps taking me away from dynamis, i never mind dying and ish so that crono can lose lots on everything that isnt koe or my Hrotti
...god i hate that guy
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