Big mistakes? Dire consequences?

Apr 26, 2005 10:44

1st off, i swear on my soul if this is how its gonna be every morning that i wake up for the static and the fucking servers are down, someone somewhere is going to suffer

but beyond that~~

i was bored (while the servers were down) and was cruisin around here looking at everyone i even mildly know in existances LJ, and lo and behold, ara links the PO site
so then i just had to make an account and get into a spam war with ara at 1st, then a bit with LH about the grease trucks, kurry threw in a couple of crazy posts, god i love that guy, all and all a great way to kill time before class haha

when i got back from a nice boring day at class, the best kind, beni and i decided to serenade the rest of the guys with such classics as...that aerosmith song from armageddon, i want it that way from the backstreet boys, and countless more, was truly glorious

this weekend hobbit and i went and saw kung fu hustle, amazingly hilarious, especially for idiots like us with our stupid humor haha

lets see, on my quest to get to know the shadows guys a bit better, i waved to juli to get no response a couple of times, called cleire evil, and finally, duo tanked with my fav one by far, the epic Jerry
nothing can top me noticing he uses gimpass crab, give him a fishkabob, next fight, he gets to 10 hp, and instead of like curing himself or whatnot, he takes the time to send me a tell "food is good^^" cause it totally kept him from death hahahah

finally, as i knew it eventually would, the static asked me to make a very difficult decision
they want me to hold WSes till voke dos, completely crushing my free spirit, and stilfing my artistic vision
sometimes...i just dont know people anymore, they seem like some of your favorite guys, then they say things like "Rhyse, you dont need to 2 hour everything" and "Rhyse, we arent even at camp yet, why are you fighting a crab" and the ultimate in sorrow for me "dude, Rhyse, half the pt is afk, i dont think chain 5 is possible"

ouch....just ouch
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