Wizards of Waverly Place - The Good, The Bad, & The Alex.

May 06, 2010 01:35

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I was very excited for this episode, so of course I was even more excited and happy when it was leaked. I felt like this episode had a lot of potential to be like one of those "change the course of the show" episodes, but sadly that didn't happen.

First off, I really like Stevie, I think she's an awesome character and good for Alex and the show because it kind of expands The Wizard World by showing Alex and the audience another teenage wizard that isn't a Russo. It gives up someone to juxtapose the Russos and thus expands the magical world that they live in, making it more real. Also, Stevie was just damn cool and super gayish, and what Selena Gomez fangirl doesn't love that! But to my freaking dismay, Stevie is "killed" off! And to add insult to injury, they make it seem as though no one really cares at all. I mean, Alex just basically had a hand in "killing" her friend and she's all smiles and giggles popping off to the Wizards Fair with Harper. And Justin's basically stepping in her icy remains.

As with the Wizards vs. Werewolves "saga", this show's got a serious case of Cerebus Syndrome, where the show slides more towards drama and away from the comedy, but since this is a Disney sitcom, it always finds a way to go back to the comedy, but then that just totally messes up the tone of the episode and just pulls away from the potential greatness. In turn making the episode feel like a totally mess with the writers not knowing which direction they want it or how far to push it, but again, it's not their fault. They have to keep within their demo.

One thing that really bothered me was what was exactly wrong with Stevie's plan? Getting rid of the Wizard Competition and not having siblings fight for the family powers doesn't sound all that bad. I thought Alex would go along with it, seeing as that she would her powers if Justin wins and also she's seen firsthand how the Wizard Competition has ripped families apart (i.e. what happened with her Dad, her uncle Kelbo, and estranged Aunt Megan). GAH!! Again, wasted potential of an awesome episode!!

Even though I was unhappy with how the episode turned out, it was still funny as how Wizards is expected to be. LOL at the fried unicorn horns and Alex trying to do a good thing with finding Stevie's brother ("The Wiz-Wide-Web is down." "Uh, that's it. We're done, we tried."). And the Justin/Harper interactions were hilarious. My favorite quote has to be when Max says something like, "Alex's really gone evil! We have to do what dad told us to do when this would happen. Change our names and run away. RUN, JOSEPPI!!" ;D

All in all, I can't wait for the season finale. I read somewhere that Selena said that the government's gonna get involved with the Wizard World. And R.I.P. STEVIE. :(

EDIT: Stevie's not dead and will be back!!!!

ppl: selena gomez, rant: tv, rants, vidspams

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