It's cyclical. It must be.
All of a sudden someone pops up from nowhere and gives me a berating for some off-the-cuff glibness. As is my way.
But really?
THIS? How can I ever, really, be taken seriously, ever?
Thanks to Zaafrod (whoever you are) for coming to my defence.
In other news...
Bugger all, really. Spent yesterday morning building a Lego house with my girl at her school.
Cleaned out the garage to make room for the mammals now its turning cold and dreary.
Now have to find room for the dozen boxes of books that I had to clear out from the garage.
Lulu is a pain in the arse. I am on the brink of publishing but if the slightest thing needs tinkering then I have to go through an entire formating process to get it right (ensuring that I do everything right during the process optherwise I have to go back to the beginning again). For some reason IE doesn't like Lulu so that was a pain and I had to download Firefox. Which has a very patronising error screen.
'A common mistake is to leave a 'w' off the 'www'. Are you sure you put it there?'
Cheeky bastards.