So, I'm actually doing it. Going to publish my 3
Blood Lusts through Lulu.
Last night I have a play with the publishing and editing process online for Aftermath. I reformat the pages, condensing letter spacing in places to tidy up lines and paragraphs. I then have to save the Word document as a pdf to upload. Do that. Then the pdf opens and, for some reason, my page count has dropped by 2!!!! And some of the line formating has slipped??!!!
So I'm up till midnight staring at the screen redoing and today I'm tired and cranky because, really, I didn't need to do it as I am saving that one to still try to get a proper publisher.
Today, I start on Blood Lust and really it's not as bad to do because I don't have any real chapters. I just have to watch out for the breaks that indicate scene changes.
Get the the end. Save as pdf. Lose a page.
Excuse me for a second ...
That's better.
So I have to go through it all again.
And still have the other two to do.
Looking forward to that.