Oct 26, 2005 21:28
It has it's ups and downs. You spend most of your time standing around waiting for the excitement to start. And everyone once in a while someone loses a limb.
So yeah...
In rock-tastic news... Ciro and Chad gave me a drop by visit. I played the Thunder Cats blooper reels for them. They made me feel all warm and fuzzy... in a strictly heterosexual "favorite people in the whole world" kind of way.
Went clubbing with Danny this weekend. It was fun. Bounced around with the teenagers a bit... which is something I haven't done in a long time. I forgot how much drama is involved. And how ego-boosting it is that I have an unnatural ability to attract females and children. Which would be great if I were straight or a pedophile. (And true... sleeping with a 19yo doesn't make me a pedofile... and six years isn't a HUGE age gap... but it's more a 'stage of life' than 'number of years' thing. If that makes any sense.)
In less than rock-tastic/slightly more than bathroom-fungus news... Nick has yet to stop calling more than six times a day. He sent me the censored version of Drawn Together (after I had already bought the uncensored version). He's sent me a card or two or five. And yeah... like five calls/emails a day. I mean it's kind of flattering that he's this attached, and up till now he WAS kinda perfect... but seriously... how am I supposed to just forgive a completely made-up identity that he continually lied about for months?!?
In other news... I'm putiing one man in drag this year... and dpoing the make-up for three others. Appearently I'm somewhat of an "expert" now. Still have little to no idea of what I'm doing for the Block Party this Saturday... other than the fact that it will include a pair of kick ass rubber guantlets I found.
Back to you Jane, you ignorant slut...