Even I can take a hint from The Fates sometimes...

May 15, 2006 12:41

I bought a new washing machine the other day and I liked it so well that I decided I needed other new appliances in my life. I don't NEED anything else, mind you, but for reasons that don't really bear close examination at this point, I decided I wanted a "stainless steel" french-door, bottom freezer refrigerator. The Cranky Engineer, who was out in the garage playing with his new home-built wind generator (the last toy, the solar panels, work fine and power his garage and now he's got a NEW toy) tried to dissuade me - so my checkbook, my dog and I set out in search of a new fridge without him.

Store #1 didn't have what I wanted.

On the way to Store #2, a car ran a red light, barely missed me and clipped the car behind me - HARD. I stayed until the police and ambulance showed up, gave all my contact info and then headed off to Store #2.

Store #2, normally open on a Sunday, was closed because of a parking lot repaving. Okay.

On the way to Store #3, a big van decided that it would like to occupy my lane while I was still in it. Much heavy braking and swerving (and swearing) later, I got to Store #3 - which was surrounded by firetrucks, as they'd just had a small attic fire.

So. No new appliances for me. I went home and drank instead.
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