urgh! 7 hours on a coach, all for what? a 1 hour walkabout in the Placement fair? the rubbish overpriced glop they call food in the local Weatherspoons? i didn't even get to see Birmingham *sulks*
on the plus side, reread Northern Lights (ready for the film to come out Dec time) and had time to closely peruse the Times and savour them all within the coach time...
bitchandjerk is officially one of the coolest Wincest writers ever. His banters deserve to be icon-ised.
rediscovered my love for Rukia and Ichigo, as well as Anna and Yoh Asakura (and maybe even Hao). Shippuuden is not bad, still too much 'bah-blah's' but thats one of the reasons i love it. it's finally confirmed what we all knew all along, the Fourth was Naruto's dear departed daddy). and i cannot believe Fullmetal manga's ending very soon (its too bittersweet...). i also can't believe how outdated my anime choices are...
SGA, McKay/Sheppard, i would have never have dared imagine (i preferred The Mckay asexual) but "Written by the Victors" by Speranza convinced me otherwise. Such a superior fanfic author. not surprising considering she, apparently is a RL published author....
Finding it hard to get into H/D fandom nowadays. there seems to be too much mush and not enough gems in the fandom talent pool. it's kind of sad actually. the amount of time i get myself hyped to read a certain fic and end up clicking the BACK button after a paragraph or two....Skyehawke seems to be the only place i can find and read good fics. and most of them classics i've already read way too many times already...
and Yaoi_daily, whatever happened to you? to much repeat postings of the same manga over and over...and too much Miyamato Kano! God! we get it, she's good, we know! but one can only take so much 'reality' without the happy ending. and here i always thought Yaoi's all about escapism....
Argh! i cant believe i spent £15 on ebooks of Pride and Prejudiced sequels! *tears out hair*