random epiphany..

Nov 17, 2005 11:41

So, Nick and I just had an intriguing discussion...

Ever since we quit smoking we have been waking up every night, myself at 3:15 am, and Nick at 3:30 am. Could it be a sign of something to come. Or is it just our insanity. I think it is because we quit smoking. It all started about two weeks ago when we quit it just seems sorta odd. I mean I dont think there is any scientific evidence behind it. I mean Nicotine is a stimulant so you would assume that you would become more relaxed.

Although a common misconception being that the nicotine makes you more relaxed. Thats faulty due to the fact the addiction to the nicotine actully subsides making the anxiousness go away but in reality your body is working much harder processing the chemicals.

Aaaargh....so anyways!?

I had this Nightmare last night that consisted of me being at work and being held hostage by armed robbers with automatic assault rifles. It seriously scared the shit out of me. I am not however worried that any of this will happen due to the security measures we have. I think it was honestly the disaster drill we had yesterday. I assume it went smoothly...HAHA. I was a "diabetic with low blood sugar" Somehow that became an urgent matter for emergency care, while other employees with shards of metal in their eyes and whatnot werent so important. Some people were missing it was ridiculous. I mean if a disaster ever happened I will be out the back entrance so fast I dont even give a fuck.

Ok so yeah, nightmare sucked.

Im gonna go enjoy the sun for a bit.
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