Aug 04, 2005 13:27
last night was my mom's big 50th surprise birthday my aunt and I! i thought it was very successful and lots of fun..about 30 close family and friends came and we ate and danced the night away...i was so relieved when it was over at 2 30 last night..all the sneaking around mama was hard but hella fun! and i must say kyle and i had us a good conversation..i think thats the most i have ever talked to him EVER. (while chrisal was singing her little heart away)
today is just a lazy day..i've been trying to pack all morning and all i have managed to pack is my undies..i'm lucky i got my luggage out of my closet and thats it. i'm so excited for the next for days! new baby, airplanes, my buddy, beautiful weather, seattle, and i come! my first airplane vacation in like the past 3 it's only 2 hours and maybe 45 minutes but hey a plane ride is a plane ride.