Jun 26, 2015 12:05
- Thu, 20:04: Oh God I've missed this show #beyondscaredstraight
- Thu, 20:11: #FatAssCoughDrop #beyondscaredstraight
- Thu, 20:32: I feel like having an "Alternative Lifestyle Unit" is really progressive for Georgia #beyondscaredstraight
- Fri, 10:21: RT @ skullmandible: haha check it out it's like they're literally fading into the past like the shitty old ghosts they are http://t.co/qlJPK…
- Fri, 10:23: RT @ cyndilauper: Thank you Supreme Court for ruling in favor of love.
- Fri, 10:25: RT @ Slate: Hey, here's a map of where gay marriage is legal in America: http://t.co/TeE7x5JphA http://t.co/TuuFyQyqZ4
- Fri, 10:28: #LoveWins and #MarriageEquaility happens right around Pride? It's like *someone* sent rainbows down to Earth
- Fri, 10:30: RT @ ATT: #LoveIsLove http://t.co/Hl9c3mYlX9
- Fri, 10:31: RT @ glaad: Marriage equality is legal. Now what? http://t.co/0HZrlFQikP via @ thedailybeast #LGBT
- Fri, 10:31: RT @ HRC: Love is in the air at #SCOTUS! Add your name to celebrate this historic occasion at http://t.co/FWnRped1jJ #LoveWins http://t.co/l…
- Fri, 11:39: My right to marry my partner and have it be legal in the eyes of the US government has absolutely nothing to do with religious liberty