Does anyone here on my Flist even still watch? *sigh* I miss the old days of LJ.
Anyway. Here, I'll cut this rant in case people haven't seen it.
How is it that Sam using his powers to banish demons while saving the human host is bad, but Dean telling Abaddon after he beheads her that he intends to chop her up into many pieces and bury them in concrete is okay???! I mean, I remember when the guys used to care about harming the human host of a demon, but not anymore. And I'd like to get the idea out of my head that one of the supposed *heroes* of the show will be dismembering and disarticulating an innocent victim of a demon sometime during the episode. Didn't anyone pick up on that?
And I was fine with Mary being the Hunter and John being the "innocent" one, so to speak. I thought that was such a unique concept. Then we get this episode. I know the introduction of Henry and the "Men of Letters" stuff still circumvents established history because he never gets back to tell John what and who he is. Still. Why all the retconning? The other thing that still annoys me is that when we first met Young John they portrayed him as this sweet, kind of awkward guy who had just come back from Vietnam. This dude is supposed to have a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart! Continuity? Bah.
At least Dean didn't call the antagonist a bitch this time. Progress!