Lonely Rhyme is lonely!

Jul 26, 2010 00:50

How is everybody? It seems quiet around here lately. Is everyone busy at their jobs and crap? LOL. I'm no closer to finding one yet. I don't mind; it's so effing hot I don't even want to leave the house. I would gladly live in Minnesota or Alaska or Canada in winter because I HATE summer. I welcome cold.

I've been busy cooking and keeping things clean and being a housewife to my GF, which I don't particularly mind at all! Then I tap out some words on my Dean/Cas Big Bang, in the midst of which I'd love to write "And then they fuck. I guess. The End."

Tonight: Mad Men came back! (No spoilers) I hope this season is a little more quickly paced than last season, which draaaaaaagged and there was too much Betty. UGH, I hate Betty. One of these days Sally is going to try to murder her in her sleep, I swear, which would be delicious. I love Sally. Roger Sterling is still the shit. I love him too.

Also: True Blood. I never watched the previous two seasons, because I didn't have HBO and because from the clips I've seen it was way too campy for my tastes. But since there's nothing else on and I got free HBO when I got FiOS at my GF's place, I've been taping it to keep up. I already pretty much know who everyone is based on osmosis and reading TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly.

I've seen exactly four episodes now, and I really love Russell, the vampire king. He's snarky, and legitimately scary despite him not seeming so. Why is Bill the only vampire who talks like he's composing lyric poems in his head before he speaks? I fast forward through Jason's scenes because that's one of the soap opera plots I don't care about, and the same with Sam. But I do like the waitress Arlene. I watch her scenes. I know everyone loves Lafayette and all, but I'll wait until they give him something to do. He's boring to me. Sorry!

Good Lord there is a lot of chewing and gnawing on things on this show. EW. Lots of bloody chunks of stuff, too. I can only imagine how much scarier Buffy and Angel might have been with a little more gore. Can you imagine Angelus gnawing hunks off of Jenny Calendar's neck? That would rock. I always thought she was . There, I said it!

As for tonight (don't worry, no spoilers) I see what Eric is doing there, and I look forward to more. Feel free to discuss in the comments.

unemployed gah!, mad men, personal ramblings, angel, buffy

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