I had quite a lovely birthday weekend, where I spent part of it indulging in delicious food (my last hurrah as it were. Back on the diet his week) and part of it looking at the tree in Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. I had never seen it before, so that was a treat. Photos to come. We even went up to Top of the Rock, the observation deck at the top of the building. It was amazing at night.
Thanks for all the great birthday wishes, Flist! Y'know, none of the people I work with wished me happy birthday, but the people on my Flist who never even met me offered me tons of Happy Birthdays (so much so that it took me two days to respond to them all. I think I got everyone).
Presents included a birthday call from my brother and niece Harmony (who's almost 4), where she sang Happy Birthday. I love that kid. I got $100 from my parents. My girlfriend got me a
Mini Robo Panda, and this absolutely gorgeous silver dogtag that is inscribed "In Whatever Form It Takes, How Is Love Wrong?" I might have gotten a little teary eyed at that. Photos to come for that, too.
I even got my girlfriend to watch the last two episodes of Torchwood this weekend with the promise of boy kissing. I hadn't seen the season finale yet, and she said, "I bet Ianto will come running up and jump into Jack's arms and kiss him." We both squealed when it happened, by the way. I also loved the slightly cheesy Captain Kirk-esque pain!acting with Jack and the Horny Demon. Heh. Now I need to watch the last three episodes of Who to see where Jack went. January can't come soon enough.
Oh! And to further highlight my fangirlishness, when we finished the Top of the Rock tour we came down into the 30 Rockefeller Plaza lobby, where there was big photo array of all the NBC show stars. I got a picture of me next to Meloni, and it looks like I'm tickling his chin. Because I'm a geek. LOL.
Oh, and my opinion on the New LiveJournal Overlords and their weirdly-worded pronouncement about "decency"?