Hii!! My 1 week vacation has been kind of long, but not lazy. Today I was lazy. Yesterday I was sort of lazy, too. It's fun. Well, lesseee.. My moving date is Feb. 5, next Saturday. I don't have a lot of stuff. Just a big tv, the tv stand/cabinet, full size bookshelf, half size bookshelf, night stand, um.. chester drawers (I guess. It's only four drawers), a twin bed, keyboard, clothes, blankets, dvds (a whole bookshelf of them), video games, books, stuffed animals and a few other small items. I'm going to have to figure out how to lower my backseats in my car. I haven't figured that out yet. And I am taking Phoebe (ze cat). I'll have to ask Jeff if she has any immunization records for her.
I can't wait to buy new stuff for my apartment. I just wish it was all free. =D I think I'm going to have to get another cabinet/bookshelf, a sofa, a computer table, dishes, pots & pans and food. I'll figure out more junk to buy for it. I don't think I'm going to pay Jeff rent for January. And.. I forgot to call the movers again. heehee.
I don't start work until Tuesday. So at the moment I'm doing at home work. Hrm... Picky client I have. I'm doing website building and geez is he picky.
http://talen.nu/713-tickets/ is my work. Their site is
http://www.713-tickets.com/ and they want it to look EXACTLY like
http://www.ticketmaster.com/. I don't believe in copying a site like that. Maybe take a few of their ideas, but not steal the whole layout. It's a sign of laziness, not a sign of flattery. I know my last boss said that copying was a sign of flattering. -_- No, never, not true, a lie.
Meh... I can't wait to see my apartment with all my stuff in it. :)