Man, the sheer number of entries i skim over on my FList is sort of lame.
FList trimming, mostly communities, but a few journals as well. No hard feelings, dudes, i still love you all. If you DESPERATELY want to be added back, let me know. ♥
In other news, my landlord isn't letting
aphonetic get a dog, because other people in our building have recently adopted dogs only to FAIL at apartment training, and had to return them within two weeks. It's hard to apartment train, and OMGEVERYONE wants dogs this time of year, so. :( boo. He told us to get a hamster instead. Or rename the cat and pretend like he's new. Oh, Fred. Your sense of humour is questionable sometimes.
ETA NEW KITTEN INSTEAD. Instead of just linking people individually...
Raina's photo of him, and
my twitpic from the shelter.
His name's Castiel (Cas), or Assbutt, for short. lol raina's not even an SPN fan, but she's the one who suggested it.
Connor isn't sure what to think of him, and has been a little territorial, but we think that's just his asserting that he's Top Cat here, not this fluffy little newcomer.