Things I need to do this week:
- Finish Being Human
- Watch more Community and Big Bang Theory
- Find Merlin/RPF podfic
- Work on new songs, cry over lack of instruments in this apartment
- Finish Rayfell costume (wig, bra inserts, cigarettes, shirt, belt)
- Get and style wig for Italy costume
- Contemplate adding Hanna costume to Sakuracon plans. Hopefully decide against it, and attempt a HiNaBN group at a later date
- Clean bathroom. Also, paint bathroom.
- Clean kitchen. Finish installing cabinet door catches.
- Harass aphonetic and timmesque so we can finish epic Arthur/Morgana/Merlin lovetriangle hilarity thread.
- Call parents Call mum
- Write card to grandmother
- Prime remaining living room wall so maybe I'll fucking paint it already.
- Work out every single day. Even when I don't want to. No more excuses.
- Contemplate cleaning oven.
- Inevitably decide to put off cleaning oven yet again.
- Leave note for landlord, re: jeva's mobile number, oven, bathroom cabinet, window shade in my bedroom.
- Pester
baconface and
amber re: DWidth music comm. - Poke Seattlites into coming to Old Navy Sunday morning (8am-10am) for Private Event. (PLEASE, GUYS? 30% OFF AND LIKE. COFFEE AND DONUTS AND SHIT. PLUS MAKING MY BOSS LOVE ME MORE.)
- Vow to never use the rich text function on LJ's update page ever again, holy hell am I not used to this.
...I think that just about covers it. Now place bets on how many of these things I actually accomplish.
off to work.
edit oh yeah, i've got two copies of Beatles Rock Band (PS3, software only.) for sale on Amazon for $30 a piece. If any of you guys want them instead, give me a shout. $25 plus shipping for you guys ♥